Fleetwith Pike
648m (2126ft)
The Western Fells, The Lake District, Cumbria, England
You can find Fleetwith Pike & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)
1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):
1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Maps (the ones with pink/magenta covers):
See Fleetwith Pike and the surrounding tops on our free-to-access 'Google Style' Peak Bagging Maps:
See Fleetwith Pike and the surrounding tops on our downloadable PDF Peak Bagging Maps:

*Walk & bag all 33 Wainwrights in The Western Fells area of The Lake District in just 10 easy-to-follow circular walks.
*This version is marked with the walk routes you need to follow to Walk all 214 Wainwrights in just 59 walks. Click here for more information.
NB: Whether you print off a copy on to paper or download it to your phone, these PDF Peak Baggers Maps will prove incredibly useful when your are up there on the tops and you cannot get a phone signal!
Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Fleetwith Pike
Ian Ashton walked up Fleetwith Pike on March 1st, 2025 [with] Ella jack and chelle
Claire Kirk climbed Fleetwith Pike on May 18th, 2024 [from/via/route] Gatesgarth Car Park [with] Alone [weather] Warm, sunny & clear - Wild camp on the summit
Angeline Grieveson bagged Fleetwith Pike on June 25th, 2023 [with] Rick & Dotty
Christina Lander hiked Fleetwith Pike on July 29th, 2016 [from/via/route] Gatesgarth - Fleetwith Edge - Fleetwith Pike - Honister Hause - Dale Head - Hindscarth - Robinson - High Snockrigg - Buttermere [with] Dick, Kath & Mick [weather] Beautiful sunny day
Neil Heywood summited Fleetwith Pike on August 6th, 2023 [from/via/route] Honnister visitor centre [with] Logan Heywood [weather] Mixed
Christine Shepherd conquered Fleetwith Pike on June 18th, 2010 [from/via/route] Climbed this as an extra after doing Great Gable Climbed this again 18.12.2021, to complete my second round of the Wainwright's. I used Fleetwith Edge straight up & down; superb! Finally visited the Warnscale Bothy when I climbed this with Louise on 10.6.22. [with] Jenny [weather] Glorious sunshine - Had got very close to the summit the year before when I did the Via Ferrata at Honister but they wouldn't let us visit the actual summit.
Paul Macey scaled Fleetwith Pike on June 6th, 2022 [from/via/route] C295 [with] Luke [weather] High Level cloud
Andrew Cotter walked up Fleetwith Pike on February 1st, 2019 [from/via/route] Car park [weather] Snow & wind
Mark Smith climbed Fleetwith Pike on May 5th, 2009 [from/via/route] Buttermere [weather] hot & sunny
Richard Marchant bagged Fleetwith Pike on August 26th, 2021 [from/via/route] Started from Gatesgarth car park & then walked along the East shore of Buttermere up to Haystacks. Then traversed across to Fleetwith Pike & descended Westward off Fleetwith Pike back down to Gatesgarth Carpark. Just a quick morning's walk but in sublime weather with fantastic view 360 degrees from both peaks [with] Just myself [weather] Dry & fine weather. - Simply awesome morning out
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More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Fleetwith Pike

Autumn sunshine on Dale Head (left) and Fleetwith Pike (right) from Burtness Wood

Buttermere, with Fleetwith Pike straight ahead and Hay Stacks (Haystacks) to the right

Fleetwith Pike (foreground left) with High Crag, High Stile and Red Pike (Buttermere) beyond towering over Buttermere from Honister Crag (Black Star)

Crummock Water and Low Ling Crag - with Rannerdale Knotts (left), Fleetwith Pike (centre) and The High Stile Ridge (right)

Crummock Water and Buttermere with Grasmoor (far left), Robinson, Hindscarth and Dale Head (left), Fleetwith Pike (centre) and Red Pike (Buttermere) (far right) from Mellbreak

Honister Pass (left), Fleetwith Pike, Hay Stacks (Haystacks) and High Crag (Buttermere) across Buttermere

Honister Quarries with Fleetwith Pike and Honister Crag (Black Star) beyond

Looking down Fleetwith Edge to a cloud inversion in the Buttermere valley from Fleetwith Pike
. . . see all 57 walk photographs & pictures of views from, on or of Fleetwith Pike
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Fleetwith Pike
If you would like to add your walk photographs and pictures featuring views from, on or of Fleetwith Pike to this page, please send them as email attachments (configured for any computer) along with your name to:
and we shall do our best to publish them.
(Guide Resolution = 300dpi. At least = 660pixels (wide) x 440 pixels (high).)
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NB. Please indicate where each photo was taken.