38 easy-to-follow circular walk route maps of all grades in The Central Fells area of The Lake District
Thirty-eight easy-to-follow, hand-crafted walks including routes from Ambleside, Derwent Water, Thirlmere, Elterwater, Grange, Grasmere, Great Langdale, Keswick, Legburthwiate, Rosthwaite, Stonethwaite & Watendlath that climb High Raise (the highest point), The Langdale Pikes, Loughrigg Fell, Pike o' Stickle, Sergeant's Crag & Ullscarf amongst others. More details about each walk can be found below the map.
The Central Fells area of The Lake District National Park is enclosed by:
- Keswick to the North
- Derwent Water and Borrowdale to the West
- The Langdale Valley to the South
- Thirlmere, Grasmere and Ambleside to the East
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Route Summary:
Rosthwaite - Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk - Stonethwaite - Stonethwaite Beck - Galleny Force - Langstrath Beck - The Cumbria Way - Greenup Gill - Stonethwaite - Rosthwaite
Route Summary:
Keswick - Friar's Crag - Borrowdale Road - Spring Farm - Brockle Beck - Castlerigg - High Nest Farm - Castlerigg Stone Circle - Naddle Bridge - Threlkeld - River Greta - Keswick
Route Summary:
Rosthwaite - The Cumbria Way - Lingy End - Willygrass Gill - Dock Tarn - Great Crag - Puddingstone Bank - Jopplety How - Joppletyhow Moss - Grange Fell (Brund Fell) - King's How - Rosthwaite
Route Summary:
Grasmere - Sour Milk Gill - Sourmilk Gill Falls - Tarn Crag (Easedale) - Sergeant Man - Blea Rigg - Great Castle How - Little Castle How - Raw Pike - Swinescar Pike - Lang How - Silver How - Spedding Crag - Dow Bank - Huntingstile Crag - Grasmere
Route Summary:
Grasmere - Goody Bridge - High Raven Crag - Helm Crag - The Lion and The Lamb - The Howitzer - Gibson Knott - Calf Crag - Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk - Brownrigg Moss - Moor Moss - Far Easdale Gill - Goody Bridge - Grasmere
Route Summary:
Watendlath - High Tove - Cockrigg Crags - Thirlmere - Harrop Tarn - Blea Tarn (Watendlath Fell) - Brimming Knott - Robinbank Crag - Rough Knott - Watendlath
Route Summary:
Grasmere - Goody Bridge - Easedale Beck - Sourmilk Gill - Brinhowe Crag - Easedale - Sourmilk Falls - Easedale Tarn - Far Easedale Gill - Stythwaite Steps - Grasmere
Route Summary:
Rosthwaite - Stonethwaite - Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk - Stonethwaite Beck - Galleny Force - The Cumbria Way - Langstrath Beck - Eagle Crag - Sergeant's Crag - High Raise (Langdale) - Low White Stones - Greenup Edge - Lining Crag - Greenup Gill - Stonethwaite Beck - Stonethwaite - Rosthwaite
Route Summary:
Grasmere - Castle How - Blea Rigg - Easedale Tarn - Sour Milk Gill - Easedale - Goody Bridge - Grasmere
Route Summary:
Keswick - Friar's Crag - Calfclose Bay - Barrow Bay - Derwent Water - Ashness Bridge - Walla Crag - Rakefoot - Castlerigg - Brockle Beck - Spring Farm - Keswick
Route Summary:
Barrow Bay - Derwent Water - Ashness Bridge - Surprise View - Watendlath - Bracken Platt - Puddingstone Bank - The Cumbria Way - Rosthwaite - River Derwent - High Hows Wood - Low Hows Wood - Broadslack Gill - Hollows Farm - Borrowdale Gates - Ellers Beck Lodore Falls - Barrow Bay - Derwent Water
Route Summary:
Great Langdale - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Stickle Ghyll - Whitegill Crag - Blea Rigg - Sergeant Man - High Raise (Langdale) - The Langdale Pikes - Thunacar Knott - Pavey Ark - Harrison Stickle - Pike of Stickle (Pike O' Stickle) - Loft Crag - Mark Gate - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Great Langdale
Route Summary:
Dob Gill Car Park (Thirlmere) - Harrop Tarn - Standing Crag - Ullscarf - Greenup Edge - Low White Stones - High Raise (Langdale) - Sergeant Man - Codale Head - Broadstone Head - Mere Beck - Brownrigg Moss - Calf Crag - Wyth Burn - Stockhow Bridge - Thirlmere
Route Summary:
Great Langdale - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Great Langdale - Stickle Ghyll - Stickle Tarn - Jack's Rake - The Langdale Pikes - Pavey Ark - Thunacar Knott - Harrison Stickle - Pike of Stickle (Pike O' Stickle) - Loft Crag - Mark Gate - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Great Langdale
Route Summary:
Ambleside - Rothay Park - Ivy Fell - Loughrigg Fell - Loughrigg Terrace - Rydal Water - Loughrigg Caves - River Rothay - Pelter Bridge - Ambleside
Route Summary:
Rosthwaite - Stonethwaite - Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk - Stonethwaite Beck - Galleny Force - The Cumbria Way - Langstrath Beck - Eagle Crag - Sergeant's Crag - High Raise (Langdale) - Low White Stones - Greenup Edge - Ullscarf - High Saddle (Coldbarrow Fell) - Low Saddle (Coldbarrow Fell) - Lord's How - Dock Tarn - Willygrass Gill - Great Crag - Rosthwaite
Route Summary:
The Swirls Car Park - Thirlmere - Dalehead Hall - Thirlspot - Valve Houses - Beech Grove - Armboth - Hause Point - Dobgill Bridge - Wythburn - Stockhow Bridge - Wyth Burn - Helvellyn Screes - Highpark Wood - The Swirls Car Park - Thirlmere
Route Summary:
Keswick - The Cumbria Way - The Allerdale Ramble - Portinscale - Nichol End - Derwent Water - Hawes End - Brandlehow Point - Park Neb - Strutta Wood - Calfclose Bay - Stable Hills - Friar's Crag - Keswick
Route Summary:
Stonethwaite - Stonethwaite Bridge - Stonethwaite Beck - The Cumbria Way - Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk - Galleny Force - Greenup Gill - Lining Crag - Greenup Edge - Ullscarf - High Saddle (Coldbarrow Fell) - Low Saddle (Coldbarrow Fell) - Lord's How - Green Combe - Dock Tarn - Great Crag - Willygrass Gill - Stonethwaite
Route Summary:
Elterwater - Walthwaite Common - Huntingstile Crag - Red Bank Wood - Loughrigg Terrace - Loughrigg Fell - Ivy Crag - Loughrigg Tarn - Tarn Foot - Skelwith Bridge - River Brathay - Skelwith Force - The Cumbria Way - Elter Water - Elterwater
Route Summary:
Watendlath - High Tove - Middle Crag - Shivery Man - Shivery Knott - Long Moss - Blea Tarn (Watendlath Fell) - Ullscarf - High Saddle (Coldbarrow Fell) - Low Saddle (Coldbarrow Fell) - Lord's How - Green Combe - Dock Tarn - Great Crag - Watendlath
Route Summary:
Great Langdale - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Stickle Ghyll - Stickle Tarn - North Rake - The Langdale Pikes - Pavey Ark - Thunacar Knott - Harrison Stickle - Loft Crag - Pike of Stickle (Pike O' Stickle) - Martcrag Moor - Stake Pass - The Cumbria Way - Stake Gill - Mickleden - Mickleden Beck - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Great Langdale
Route Summary:
Legburthwaite Car Park - Bridgend Farm - Shoulthwaite Farm - Shaw Bank - Carlisle Diocese Youth Centre - St John's in The Vale Church - Low Bridge End Farm - Legburthwaite Car Park
Route Summary:
Ambleside - Scandale Beck - Rydal Park - Rydal Hall - Rydal - Rydal Mount - Rydal Water - Coffin Route - Dove Cottage - Grasmere Village - Silverhowe - The Lea - Grasmere - Red Bank - Rydal Cave - Jobson Close - Rough Intake - Pelter Bridge - Foxghyll - River Rothay - Rothay Park - Ambleside
Route Summary:
Grasmere - Goody Bridge - Ghyll Foot Farm - Green Burn - Greenburn Bottom - Contra Breast - Dead Pike - Steel Fell (Dead Pike) - Brownrigg Moss - Calf Crag - Gibson Knott - Helm Crag - The Lion and The Lamb - The Howitzer - High Raven Crag - Grasmere
Route Summary:
Keswick - Derwent Water - Friar's Crag - Calfclose Bay - Barrow Bay - Derwent Water - Ashness Bridge - High Seat (Ashness Fell) - Bleaberry Fell - Walla Crag - Rakefoot - Castlerigg - Keswick
Route Summary:
Grasmere - Goody Bridge - High Raven Crag - Helm Crag - The Lion and The Lamb - The Howitzer - Gibson Knott - Calf Crag - Brownrigg Moss - Greenup Edge - High Raise (Langdale) - Sergeant Man - Belles Knott - Coledale Tarn - Easedale Tarn - Sour Milk Gill - Easedale - Grasmere
Route Summary:
Thirlmere - Armboth - Armboth Fell - High Tove - High Seat (Ashness Fell) - Bleaberry Fell - Raven Crag (Thirlmere) - Thirlmere
Route Summary:
Stonethwaite - Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk - Stonethwaite Beck - Galleny Force - The Cumbria Way - Langstrath Beck - Stake Pass - Pike of Stickle (Pike O' Stickle) - Harrison Stickle - Thunacar Knott - High Raise (Langdale) - Low White Stones - Greenup Edge - Ullscarf - Low Saddle (Coldbarrow Fell) - Willygrass Gill - Dock Tarn.
Route Summary:
Legburthwaite Car Park - A591 - Long Band - Cowrake Head - Moss Crag - High Rigg - Carlisle Diocese Youth Centre - St John's In The Vale Church - Low Bridge Farm - Legburthwaite Car Park
Route Summary:
Grasmere - Goody Bridge - Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk - Easedale House - High Raven Crag - Helm Crag - The Lion and The Lamb - The Howitzer - Goody Bridge - Grasmere
Route Summary:
Rosthwaite - The Cumbria Way - Stonethwaite - Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk - Stonethwaite Beck - Galleny Force - The Cumbria Way - Langstrath Beck - Eagle Crag - Sergeant's Crag - High Raise (Langdale) - Low White Stones - Greenup Edge - Ullscarf - Low Saddle (Coldbarrow Fell) - Lord's How - Dock Tarn - Great Crag - Puddingstone Bank - Jopplety How - Joppletyhow Moss - Grange Fell (Brund Fell) - King's How - Rosthwaite
Route Summary:
Grange (Borrowdale) - Borrowdale - The Cumbria Way - Holmcrag Wood - River Derwent - The Allerdale Ramble - Castle Crag - River Derwent - Grange (Borrowdale)
Route Summary:
Keswick - Friar's Crag - Borrowdale Road - Spring Farm - Brockle Beck - Castlerigg - High Nest Farm - Castlerigg Stone Circle - Brigham - River Greta - Keswick
Route Summary:
Great Langdale - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Stickle Ghyll - Stickle Tarn - North Rake - The Langdale Pikes - Pavey Ark - Thunacar Knott - Harrison Stickle - Loft Crag - Pike of Stickle (Pike o' Stickle) - Martcrag Moor - Stake Pass - Black Crags (Langdale) - Little Gill Head - Rossett Pike - Rossett Gill - The Cumbria Way - Mickleden - Mickleden Beck - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Great Langdale
Route Summary:
Grasmere - Allan Bank - Wray Gill - Silver How - Lang How - Sinescar Pike - Little Castle How - Great Castle How - Blea Rigg - Sergeant Man - Thunacar Knott - Pavey Ark - Harrison Stickle - Loft Crag - Pike of Stickle (Pike O' Stickle) - High Raise (Langdale) - Codale Head - Tarn Crag (Easedale) - Far Easedale Gill - Sourmilk Falls - Far Easedale Beck - Goody Bridge - Grasmere
Route Summary:
Great Langdale - Old Dungeon Ghyll - The Cumbria Way - Mickleden Beck - Mickleden (Langdale) - Rossett Beck - Rossett Pike - Little Gill Head - Black Crags (Langdale) - Stake Pass - The Cumbria Way - Stake Gill - Mickleden - Mickleden Beck - The New Dungeon Ghyll - Great Langdale
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