Box: 95565
I am a Male Walker, in my early 60s, based near Hitchin
My Message: Hi, I'm Ian, I live on the Herts/Beds border and like to walk mainly in surrounding counties.
I am 63, reasonably fit and like walks between 5 and 12 miles, occasionally stopping to admire scenery and take photos, and usually include a pub stop for a refreshments. Although many of my local walks are solo, I do join with a group occasionally for walking weekends further afield. I am happy to plan/navigate walks and prefer an interesting walk to a challenging one.
Early retirement is imminent and will give me the opportunity for mid-week walking as well as weekends; so if you would like some walking company and a chat along the way, please drop me a line.
My Preferred Walk Grades*: 1:2:3:4:5
My Preferred Walk Areas:
East Anglia; The Heart of England;
(click each link to see other walkers wanting to walk there)
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