Box: 95435
I am a Walker, in my early 70s, based near Buxton

My Message: While I am still able to put one foot in front of the other, I would like to find some walking company with whom to discover even more of the Peak District where I now live.
I am articulate, I love the English language & have even been known to read the dictionary - how sad is that! I also have a wicked sense of humour and laugh a lot. I love animals and have a lovely young dog to share my home with, but really miss having another human being to share things with - like getting into walking gear to explore beautiful scenery and wild walks in the countryside, or at other times scrubbing up to go to a concert.
I am always keen to learn more about even seemingly remote subjects - self development is very close to my heart and over all I am usually pretty positive. I write articles for Derbyshire magazines and thoroughly enjoy the research side of it - we are so lucky to have the internet as a resource, certainly less bulky to use a laptop than the Encyclopaedia Britannica!!
When one is left living on one's own, there are so many every day bonuses that one misses - that lovely day's walk in beautiful scenery with the sun beaming down is so much more important when shared, the joint emotions of listening to stunningly moving music, as is cooking a superb meal and eating it with another (hopefully appreciative) human soul. Just as vital is the sharing of down times - they always say a trouble shared is a trouble halved, & how true that is. I used to adore having 'silly moments' when something like Fawlty Towers tickled you both so much that you both ended up laughing hysterically and by the end neither really even remembered what they were laughing at!
I'm accomplished at many diverse things, such as cooking but dislike cooking for one, and currently absolutely yearn for some highly intelligent, stimulating conversation which I have failed to get from my dog; if I can combine that with getting out into the countryside, please get in touch.
My Preferred Walk Grades*: 1:2:3:4
My Preferred Walk Areas:
North West England; The English Midlands;
(click each link to see other walkers wanting to walk there)
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