Box: 83428
I am a Male Walker, in my early 50s, based near Rochester
My Message: Hello. I’m Kent-based, 51 on birth certificate, but stopped counting at 35. Commuting to the City for work means that I can only get out to walk at weekends, but I became single again last year, so I now have every other weekend free.
I enjoy fairly strenuous fell walks, but I’m equally happy on a woodland stroll, as I walk for the pleasure of being in the countryside, stopping to look around, and maybe taking some photos – I’m not interested in beasting myself on a route march. If you appreciate the simple pleasure of birdsong on a balmy June day, you’ll know what gets me out of doors too.
The Lakes are my main passion, but living in the SE means I only get to do Wainwright bagging 2 or 3 times a year, alas. I’m planning to do the C2C, and hope to tick off some sections of the North Downs Way as “training” walks between now and then. I also have NNAS Silver Cert, so can usually find my way home..
I have enjoyed my solo walking so far, but would love to join a group of like-minded souls, or to hear from anyone (M/F) with whom any of this strikes a chord, and who enjoys a walk and an easy-going natter on just about anything. Local contacts would be ideal, of course, but I’m equally happy to travel further afield to meet and walk – anywhere in fact where there is good scenery, pleasant company, and a village pub. Hope to hear from you.
My Preferred Walk Grades*: 2:3:4:5:6:7:8
My Preferred Walk Areas:
North West England; Yorkshire; The English Midlands; East Anglia; South East England;
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