Box: 81890
I am a Walker, in my mid 50s, based near Hereford

My Message: Hi, I'm looking for m/f walking pals to help me widen my horizons and be more adventurous. I only got into walking a couple of years ago when I was trying to get fit enough to do the Inca Trail (hardest thing I ever did but so worth the effort). My problem is I've a lousy sense of direction and never learned to read a map so i'm looking for someone who has that skill and might be willing to share their knowledge. If you can overcome the first two hurdles I also have a great sense of humour, love a laugh and a natter but appreciate companionable silence too. Because of the lack of map reading skills I tend to stick to short local walks when it's just me, my Ipod and camera but it seems such a waste when I live 25mins away from the Black Mountains and 45mins from Brecon. I've only checked the boxes for places quite close to me simply because I still work and therefore I don't have unlimited time off but it doesn't mean I wouldn't be interested in other places. I've no idea what my level of walking is so I just ticked the first 4 boxes and I've never tried to work out how fast I walk. I just love the exercise, the possibility of finding another breathtaking landscape to photograph and the empty spaces. It's just more enjoyable if you've got a friend to share it with. Would love to hear from anyone who shares the sentiment and is willing to take on the role of map reader until I get the hang of it. Hope to hear from you. Pat
My Preferred Walk Grades*: 1:2:3:4
My Preferred Walk Areas:
The English Midlands; Wales; The Heart of England;
(click each link to see other walkers wanting to walk there)
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