Box: 74211
I am a Walker, in my mid 60s, based near Haxey, North Lincs
My Message: hello I am quite young in my outlook, have just started strenuous walking again over the last few years (and I am loveing it). Can manage up to about 12 miles so far but looking to stretch myself even further. Used to do mountain scrambling and lots of challenge walks although not competitive anymore would still like to do the distance looking for male or female companions. can map read to a certain extent enough for marked paths anyway but having done lots of walking in the past know my way round quite a few. Wouldn't mind doing a walking holiday at some stage. No probs with distance have own transport and now retired am free quite a lot of the time.
My Preferred Walk Grades*: 1:2:3:4:5:6
My Preferred Walk Areas:
North East England; North West England; Yorkshire; The English Midlands; South East England;
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