Walk photographs and pictures submitted by Walkers whose Lastname or Surname begins with B
- David Badrock
- Marilyn Bagger
- Sandra Bailey
- David Baines
- Colin Baker
- Damien Baker
- Linda Baker
- David Bald
- Jenny Baldry
- Paul Baldry
- Gerri Baldwin
- Brian Balfe
- Gerry Ball
- Marcel Bannon
- Jane Barber
- Rachael Barber
- Rachel Barber
- Elizabeth Barker
- Rob Barklamb
- Graham Barlow
- Syd Barnes
- Simon Barnett
- Karen Barr
- Pete Barr
- Christopher Barton
- Anthony Baskerville
- Gemma Bason
- Andrew Batchelder
- Chris Batchelor
- Arabella Bazley
- Stuart Beal
- Allen Beale
- Fiona Beck
- Kayleigh Beirne
- Tracey Belcher
- Florence Belgravia
- Anthony Bell
- Fred Bell
- Gary Bell
- Jen Bell
- Sue Bell
- Amy Bennett
- Ivor Bennett
- James Bennett
- Joel Bennett
- Neil Bennett
- David Bentley
- Alex Berry
- Ray Bessant
- Sandra Best
- Brum Besties
- Jean Betts
- Samantha Bibby
- Perry Biggs
- Stacey Biltcliffe
- Laura Bimson
- Joan Birkett
- Phillip Bisazza
- Carol Bizzell
- Robert Parker
- Janice Black
- Robert Black
- Zoe Blackbourn
- Andy Blades
- Judith Blair
- Laura Blake
- Dave Blanchard
- Ron Blundell
- David Blunt
- Roy Blunt
- Ivor Bond
- Tony Bond
- Geraldine Boocock
- Adrian Booth
- David Booth
- Malcolm Boswell
- Fiona Boubert
- Colin Boulter
- Craig Bowe
- Dean Bowen
- Jan Bowkler
- Mary Bracegirdle
- Howard Bradley
- Stewart Bradley
- Stuart Bradley
- John Bragg
- David Braim
- Colin Bramley
- Andy Brandreth
- Chris Brankin
- Robbie Breadner
- Hayley Brennan
- James Brennan
- Damian Brett
- Fran Brewin
- Pat Brian
- Kaz Bridges
- Paul Brierley
- Derek Brindley
- Ross Brocklehurst
- Roger Brooke
- Peter Brooks
- A Brown
- Alex Brown
- Andy Brown
- Anne Brown
- Bill Brown
- Charles Brown
- Clive Brown
- G Brown
- Michael Brown
- Paul Brown
- Raymond Brown
- Michelle Bruce
- Steve Brunt
- Gary Buckingham
- David Buckley
- Ruth Buckton
- Chris Budd
- James Bullett
- Martin Bullock
- Pete Burditt
- Alan Burke
- Jim Burkhill
- Janine Burns
- Mark Burrows
- Steph Burton
- Greg Bushell
- Alan Butcher
- Marilyn Butler
- Philip Butler
- Roo Butler
- Graham Butterfield
- Alan Butterworth
- Eric Byrd
- Marty Byrne
- Alan Byron