Stybarrow Dodd
843m (2767ft)
The Eastern Fells, The Lake District, Cumbria, England
You can find Stybarrow Dodd & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)
1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):
1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Map (the ones with pink/magenta covers):
See Stybarrow Dodd and the surrounding tops on our free-to-access 'Google Style' Peak Bagging Maps:
See Stybarrow Dodd and the surrounding tops on our downloadable PDF Peak Bagging Maps:

*Walk & bag all 35 Wainwrights in The Eastern Fells area of The Lake District in just 8 easy-to-follow circular walks.
*This version is marked with the walk routes you need to follow to Walk all 214 Wainwrights in just 59 walks. Click here for more information.
NB: Whether you print off a copy on to paper or download it to your phone, these PDF Peak Baggers Maps will prove incredibly useful when your are up there on the tops and you cannot get a phone signal!
Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Stybarrow Dodd
Angeline Grieveson walked up Stybarrow Dodd on October 19th, 2024 [with] Rick & Dotty
James Hughes climbed Stybarrow Dodd on May 12th, 2024 [from/via/route] Deepdale Round c239 - From Red Moss after staying in Troutbeck [weather] Warm sunny morning
Dan Collins bagged Stybarrow Dodd on June 29th, 2024 [from/via/route] As part of c239 walk [with] Family (just the lads) [weather] Misty / cloudy throughout - Misty & low visibility but great walk
Kate Peacock hiked Stybarrow Dodd on May 25th, 2024 [from/via/route] Parked at Wanthwaite as well as leaving a car at the end. Up via Clough Head. [with] Me, Sheila & Skye [weather] Sunny at times, breezy & cold when the sun was behind the clouds - Longest hike to date
Andrew Gayne summited Stybarrow Dodd on May 19th, 2024 [weather] Hot sunny day - Walked from Red Moss Car Park near Dockray. Hot, sunny day. Went up Clough End, very boggy, & onto Great Dodd, Watson Dodd, Stybarrow Dodd & Hartside. Difficult boggy descent. Stayed at Kings Head in Thirlspot
Victoria Bates conquered Stybarrow Dodd on March 31st, 2024 [from/via/route] With Great Dodd, Harts Side & Watsons Dodd [with] Mark, Dominic and Tabitha [weather] Clear but cold & windy - Dominic walked the whole way!
Ian Ashton scaled Stybarrow Dodd on October 21st, 2023 [from/via/route] Jph phil T [with] JPH Phil T
Rob Prikanowski walked up Stybarrow Dodd on June 18th, 2023 [from/via/route] c239 [weather] Cloudy but dry, strong wind.
Martin Hartshorne climbed Stybarrow Dodd on April 28th, 2023 [with] finley [weather] Cloud cleared,spells of sunshine 11deg light breeze
Tim Winn bagged Stybarrow Dodd on March 23rd, 2023 [from/via/route] Dockray [with] Barry, Paul and Roger [weather] Wet from the sky & under foot.
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More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Stybarrow Dodd

Blencathra or Saddleback (left), Clough Head, Fisher's Wife's Rake, Calfhow Pike, Great Dodd, Watson's Dodd, Stybarrow Dodd, Raise (Helvellyn) and Helvellyn in the centre with a glimpse of Thirlmere (right) from the summit of High Rigg

The Helvellyn Ridge featuring: Great Dodd, Watson's Dodd, Stybarrow Dodd, Raise (Helvellyn), White Side, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, St Sunday Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg and Heron Pike with Steel Fell (mid distance) and Calf Crag, Gibson Knott and Helm Crag (foreground) from Brownrigg Moss

Clough Head, Fisher's Wife's Rake, Calfhow Pike, Great Dodd, Watson's Dodd, Stybarrow Dodd, Raise (Helvellyn) and Helvellyn from the summit of High Rigg
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Stybarrow Dodd
If you would like to add your walk photographs and pictures featuring views from, on or of Stybarrow Dodd to this page, please send them as email attachments (configured for any computer) along with your name to:
and we shall do our best to publish them.
(Guide Resolution = 300dpi. At least = 660pixels (wide) x 440 pixels (high).)
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NB. Please indicate where each photo was taken.