Lose Hill (Ward's Piece)
476m (1562ft)
The Dark Peak Area, The Peak District, Derbyshire, England
You can find Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)
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Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Lose Hill (Ward's Piece)
David Peebles walked up Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on March 30th, 2024 [from/via/route] In layby [with] Solo [weather] Great sunny evening walk - Great walk.
hannah1507 climbed Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on February 25th, 2024 [from/via/route] From Castleton club campsite [with] Dan
Ruth Mcfarlane bagged Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) during August, 2023 [from/via/route] Edale to Hope [with] myself
Patrick Molloy hiked Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on November 17th, 2020 [from/via/route] Parked at Mam Tor Car Park. via Hollin's Cross on to Lose Hill [with] With Nadia [weather] Cool, Cloudy, Drizzle
Gill Bates summited Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on July 16th, 2018 [from/via/route] from Castleton along the Great Ridge
Anna White conquered Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on February 8th, 2020 [from/via/route] Castleton via Winnats Pass & Mam Tor [with] Friend [weather] Windy & Cold
Adrian Garside scaled Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on September 8th, 2019 [from/via/route] Parked in Mam Tor cark park at 6am & was at the top to see the sun rise. Then walked down to Bact Tor & Lose Hill [weather] Bright sometimes, grey others. Windy & chilly.
Dave Gay walked up Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on June 22nd, 2019 [from/via/route] Hope Station - Lose Hill - Back Tor - Mam Tor - Edale Station [with] Josh Boyd, Sean Holt, Laura [weather] Dry & sunny - March for Men sponsored walk
Stephen Eddy climbed Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on April 19th, 2019 [from/via/route] Hope, via edale [with] Jo Allen, Jack Eddy [weather] Sunny
Michael Lee bagged Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) on June 10th, 2013 [from/via/route] Hope to Lose Hill to Back Tor to Hollins Cross to Mam Tor to Castleton to Hope.! [with] Jill [weather] Dry sunny, - Lovely walk.. Lots of cafes too!
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More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Lose Hill (Ward's Piece)

Climbing towards the summit of Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) in arctic snow conditions

Me, my Wife and Billy the dog after a 12k hike to the summit of Lose Hill (Ward's Piece)

Hollins Cross, Back Tor (Hollins Cross) and Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) from Mam Tor during a temperature inversion

Kinder Scout and The Vale of Edale in deep snow from the Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) ridge

Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) and The Vale of Edale from the summit of Grindslow Knoll (Kinder Scout)

The Great Ridge - Lord's Seat (Rushup Edge), Rushup Edge, Kinder Scout, The Vale of Edale, Edale, Hollins Cross, Back Tor (Hollins Cross), Lose Hill (Ward's Piece), Hope and Castleton under the mist from Mam Tor

Bamford Edge on Bamford Moor with Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) prominent beyond

The High Peak District, Eldon Hill, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Rushup Edge, Kinder Scout, The Vale of Edale, Edale, Mam Tor, Hollins Cross, Back Tor (Hollins Cross) and Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) from Lord's Seat (Rushup Edge)

Hollins Cross, Barker Bank, Backtor Nook, Back Tor (Hollins Cross) and Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) from Mam Tor

The Hope Valley and Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) (right) from Winhill Pike (Win Hill) summit

Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) and Ladybower Reservoir from Winhill Pike (Win Hill)

Shatton Edge, Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) and The Vale of Edale from Hope Bank, Winhill Pike (Win Hill) under a blanket of heavy snow

On Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) with Back Tor (Hollins Cross) and Mam Tor beyond during a winter temperature inversion

Mam Tor (centre left) from the upper slopes of Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) in heavy snow
. . . see all 46 walk photographs & pictures of views from, on or of Lose Hill (Ward's Piece)
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Lose Hill (Ward's Piece)
If you would like to add your walk photographs and pictures featuring views from, on or of Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) to this page, please send them as email attachments (configured for any computer) along with your name to:
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