Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang)
667m (2189ft)
The Northern Dales Area, The Yorkshire Dales, North Yorkshire, England
A survey in Oct 2022 detrmined that the summit of Little Fell was at Sails, 500m S of the high point marked on OS Map OL19. However, the name of top remains Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang).
You can find Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)
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Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang)
Angela Moroney walked up Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on April 1st, 2021 [from/via/route] Outhwaite [with] Jane ludders [weather] rain wind sun
Caroline Winter climbed Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on August 10th, 2020 [from/via/route] Aisgill cottages, Hell Gill/Hell Gill bridge, Jingle Sikes Gill, Lunds Fell [with] Becky [weather] Warm with light Easterly wind - Weather wet, cold & poor visibility last time here, so took advantage to bag on a good day. Tedious slog up never ending wall. Worked out peak from fences & tarns, as no obvious feature. Nicer walk down, as views towards railway in distance.
Kevin Foster bagged Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on August 23rd, 2017 [from/via/route] Hugh Seat [with] By myself [weather] Sunny - Up to now it had been a fine walk on clear paths but to get the job done there was one more Nuttall to bag & unfortunately this one turned out to be the toughest part of the day. After returning to the fence line I dropped to the extremely boggy col before an easy pull up on grass slopes to the top of Little Fell with a surprise view down Cotterdale to Hawes! Sails did look slightly higher & not far so to satisfy my curiosity I followed the faint quad bike track over. I checked my OS locate app all the time & have to say that Sails at 666 is one metre lower & has a prominence of just 10 metres which doesn't make it as the top of Lunds Fell or even as a Nuttall. The exercise wasn't entirely pointless though as I crossed the watershed of the rivers Eden & Ure at Ure Head in the process. To get back on track I now headed West to a prominent cairn then NW to another prominent cairn at Outer Pike before making a very rough descent to Hell Gill bridge over pathless moor. The 3 mile return to the car at Outhgill was very pleasant in contrast, walking along Lady Anne's Highway looking back up at Hanging Stone Scar with the setting sun lighting up the cliff edge.....especially after what I had just done before!
Mark Davidson hiked Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on August 14th, 2008 [with] Mike [weather] Bit grey, dull & misty
Tony Rogerson summited Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on July 23rd, 2016 [from/via/route] Shaw Paddock Sails Little Fell Knoutberry Currack Cotterdale The High Way [with] Darren Floss Robbie Ruby [weather] Warm Mostly sunny
Darren Mortimer conquered Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on December 6th, 2014 [from/via/route] Outhgill using walk c388 [with] Dermot Palmer [weather] Cold & windy with a blanket of mist. - This is a great walk (c388) but not much fun in the mist. Navigational skills & a good sat nav are essential when the weather is bad as it was for me. Also very tricky leaving High Seat & traveling over Mallerstang Crags when the ground is wet.
Christine Shepherd scaled Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on June 16th, 2014 [from/via/route] Walked from Outhgill using walk c388 [with] On my own [weather] White cloud & a pleasant breeze.
Iain Taylor walked up Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on August 5th, 2012 [from/via/route] Outhgill (NY 78261 01543)
Ray O'hara climbed Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) on August 5th, 2012 [from/via/route] C388 [weather] Dry where I was, but a full blow electrical storm over nearby Great Shunner Fell & later Rogan's Seat. - The route from Hell Gill's Bridge up to Little Fell is one vast bog (NB. This was during the very wet summer of 2012 though Ed.). The ridge walk from Little Fell to High Seat was little better. One of the most unpleasant walks I've done. I didn't see another soul on the whole route, & I now understand why. Unless you're very keen to complete your Hewitts/Nuttalls, don't bother with this one.
Patrick Rogozinski, Kate Colbrook, Matthew Thomas, Paul Booth and Trevor Williams have all walked, climbed & bagged Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang).To add (or remove) your name and experiences on this page - Log On and edit your Personal Mountain Bagging Record
More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang)

Mallerstang Edge, High Seat (Mallerstang), Archy Styrigg (Gregory Chapel), Hugh Seat, Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) and Mallerstang Common from Swarth Fell in the snow

Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) and Mallerstang Common from the lower slopes of Wild Boar Fell in the snow

Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) and Mallerstang Common from Wild Boar Fell in the snow
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang)
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