Hugh Seat
689m (2261ft)
The Northern Dales Area, The Yorkshire Dales, Cumbria, England
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Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Hugh Seat
Angela Moroney walked up Hugh Seat on April 1st, 2021 [from/via/route] Outhwaite [with] Jane ludders [weather] rain wind sun
Andy Jakob climbed Hugh Seat on April 21st, 2018 [from/via/route] Pennine Way north to south from Kirby stephen to hawes [with] Afwc...colin, roger and myself [weather] sunny warm clear skies - after an extended winter of snow & recent heavy rain. Amazing day with AFWC
Kevin Foster bagged Hugh Seat on August 23rd, 2017 [from/via/route] Archy Styrigg [with] By myself [weather] Sunny - Following the ridge SE along Gregory's band a prominent stone pillar is reached with a well built wind shelter close by. I had a welcome lunch break here sheltering from the westerly wind that had now become quite chilly especially when the sun went behind clouds. Birkdale tarn was clearly visible eastward. After lunch I headed South following the fence line up to the top of Hugh Seat. A few yards West there is another fine pillar of stones originally built by Lady Anne Clifford in 1664 in memory of Sir Hugh de Morville & later rebuilt in 1890.
Mark Davidson hiked Hugh Seat on August 14th, 2008 [with] Mike [weather] Bit grey, dull & misty
Tony Rogerson summited Hugh Seat on June 4th, 2016 [from/via/route] The Thrang Outhgill High Seat Gregory's Chapel Hugh Seat Old Road [with] Darren Floss Robbie Ruby [weather] Sunny valley, cloud on tops - STEEP climb to High Seat
Darren Mortimer conquered Hugh Seat on December 6th, 2014 [from/via/route] Outhgill [with] Dermot Palmer [weather] Cold & wet with a blanket of mist - This is a great walk (c388) but not much fun in the mist. Navigational skills & a good sat nav are essential when the weather is bad as it was for me. Also very tricky leaving High Seat & traveling over Mallerstang Crags when the ground is wet.
Christine Shepherd scaled Hugh Seat on June 16th, 2014 [from/via/route] Walked from Outhgill using walk c388 [with] On my own [weather] White cloud with a pleasant breeze.
Iain Taylor walked up Hugh Seat on August 5th, 2012 [from/via/route] Outhgill (NY 78261 01543)
Ray O'hara climbed Hugh Seat on August 5th, 2012 [from/via/route] C388 [weather] Dry & below the cloud base. Full blown electrical storm just to the East over Rogan's Seat though. Somehow it managed to not come my way. - The whole route from Hell's Gill Bridge up to Little Fell & along the ridge to High Seat (Mallerstang) was extremely boggy. The views are good though. Best saved for a day when the ground is frozen or at the end of a very long drought.
Patrick Rogozinski, Matthew Thomas, Paul Booth and Trevor Williams have all walked, climbed & bagged Hugh Seat.To add (or remove) your name and experiences on this page - Log On and edit your Personal Mountain Bagging Record
More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Hugh Seat

Mallerstang Edge, High Seat (Mallerstang), Archy Styrigg (Gregory Chapel) and Hugh Seat across Mallerstang Common from Wild Boar Fell in the snow

Mallerstang Edge, High Seat (Mallerstang), Archy Styrigg (Gregory Chapel), Hugh Seat, Little Fell (Lunds Fell) (Mallerstang) and Mallerstang Common from Swarth Fell in the snow
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Hugh Seat
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