Green Crag (Ulpha Fell)
489m (1604ft)
The Southern Fells, The Lake District, Cumbria, England
You can find Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)
1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):
1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Maps (the ones with pink/magenta covers):
See Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) and the surrounding tops on our free-to-access 'Google Style' Peak Bagging Maps:
See Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) and the surrounding tops on our downloadable PDF Peak Bagging Maps:

*Walk & bag all 30 Wainwrights in The Southern Fells area of The Lake District in just 11 easy-to-follow circular walks.
*This version is marked with the walk routes you need to follow to Walk all 214 Wainwrights in just 59 walks. Click here for more information.
NB: Whether you print off a copy on to paper or download it to your phone, these PDF Peak Baggers Maps will prove incredibly useful when your are up there on the tops and you cannot get a phone signal!
Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Green Crag (Ulpha Fell)
Caroline Winter walked up Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on October 11th, 2024 [from/via/route] Eskdale YH, FP to Low Birker house, track to above Birker tarn, Green Crag [with] Solo [weather] Sunnier afternoon with great views - Lost track at Green Crag & found myself around the front side deciding whether I should be climbing the rock face. Carried on around its flank & found a track to summit. Great views & of Harter fell. Again lost track on return, but the tarn is a useful marker to make towards.
Christine Shepherd climbed Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on August 22nd, 2010 [from/via/route] Walked from Boot Climbed again on 21.11.2021 Climbed for a third time from Boot on a very hot day with a lovely breeze on the summit. 14.6.23 [with] On my own [weather] Bright & sunny
Ian Ashton bagged Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on July 8th, 2023 [from/via/route] Jph [with] JPH
Richard Marchant hiked Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on September 17th, 2022 [from/via/route] Parked at at a forest car park about 4 miles from Cockley Beck further down in Dunnerdale. From here I walked North up to Hard Knott Pass & across the road up to Hard Knott. I returned to the pass & headed south up on to Harter Fell then on again to Green Cragg. Then from here I headed Eastward across the moor to Dunnerdale Forest & descended back to the car. [with] On my Own [weather] Clear Sunny day with little or no breeze.
John Almond summited Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on March 23rd, 2022 [from/via/route] Solo walk from Dalegarth Station Car Park, Eskdale - go4awalk c205 - GREEN CRAG - Great Worm Crag [weather] Sunny & warm for the time of year - Wainwright 160
John King conquered Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on September 4th, 2021 [from/via/route] Hard Knott Pass [weather] Overcast & cool & little wind
David Lord scaled Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on September 26th, 2015 [from/via/route] National trust carpark on Walna Scar road, following the road away from the Old Man & gradually climbing on a distinct path to Brown Pike, then Buck Pike & on to Dow Crag. [with] Debbie Lord [weather] Beautiful sunny day. - Excellent walk for those who prefer not to scramble or encounter really step sections & steps. Gradual incline although testing in places & rewarded with fine views from the top.
Pete George walked up Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on June 24th, 2021 [with] Roco [weather] Misty
Wayne Baxter climbed Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on July 15th, 2021 [from/via/route] From Woolpack Inn, over Doctor bridge, left to Penny Hill Farm carried on past the back of Wha House farm. Picked up a path next to the wall & climbed through the Ferns steeply onto Harter Fell summit. Trace your steps until you see a path that leads straight down the hill side. At the bottom you will see a stile climb over & there is a path that leads you to Green Crag (path can be boggy in places. We retraced our steps off the peak to the right as you climb Green crag & you pick up a path that leads you all the way back to Doctor Bridge. [with] Sue [weather] Sunny & hot
Christina Lander bagged Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) on June 10th, 2021 [from/via/route] Dalegarth Station - Doctor Bridge - Green Crag - Dow Crag - Doctor Bridge - Dalegarth Station [with] Dick [weather] Overcast but dry - During our holiday at Station House, Troutbeck, Penrith - OUR LAST WAINWRIGHT!!!
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More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Green Crag (Ulpha Fell)

Harter Fell (Eskdale) (right) and Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) (left) from Great Worm Crag

Looking up to Green Crag (Ulpha Fell) from near the top of Birker Force, Eskdale
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Green Crag (Ulpha Fell)
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