Great Stony Hill
708m (2323ft)
The North Pennines, County Durham, England
The summit of Great Stony Hill is marked by an Ordnance Survey Trig Point.
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1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):
1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Maps (the ones with pink/magenta covers):
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Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Great Stony Hill
Caroline Winter walked up Great Stony Hill on July 19th, 2022 [from/via/route] Parked road side by White House, access gate to make direct ascent to top [with] Solo [weather] 30 degrees, hot & sticky - Intended to walk road up to the obvious track, up Grasshill causeway, but too hot, so ascended direct line through long grass, & could spot white trig from low down. Good views to Great Dun Fell
Mark Davidson climbed Great Stony Hill on August 8th, 2008 [from/via/route] Walk du152 Great Stony Hill & Dead Stones from Burnhope Reservoir [with] Alone [weather] High white cloud - bit cool for August
Kevin Foster bagged Great Stony Hill on September 4th, 2018 [from/via/route] du132 from Langdon Beck. [with] Henry. [weather] Cloudy but with plenty of sunny breaks. - Great Stony Hill had the feel of a proper mountain top with great views all round. The track skirting Viewing Hill was very easy walking after what had gone before. The only problem was having to leave it to make a pathless ascent & descent off Viewing Hill itself. Be warned on reaching Cow Green visitor car park the walk is far from over as there is another 4 km of road walking to go to return you back to the starting point at Langdon Beck. Overall a very enjoyable walk though.
Darren Mortimer hiked Great Stony Hill on May 6th, 2017 [from/via/route] Burnhope Reservoir [with] Dermot Palmer [weather] Overcast with the odd sun & windy on the tops. - If Peat Hags are your thing then this walk ( du114 ) is for you
Christine Shepherd summited Great Stony Hill on April 20th, 2016 [from/via/route] Walked from Burnhope reservoir using walk du114. [with] On my own [weather] Sunny with a lovely breeze. - This is the easiest peak of the day to bag but you still have to watch where you are putting your feet or they could end up very wet & peaty.
Ray O'hara conquered Great Stony Hill on June 24th, 2013 [from/via/route] DU132 [weather] overcast - Pleasant summit & walk up, nice views
Patrick Rogozinski and Trevor Williams have both walked, climbed & bagged Great Stony Hill.To add (or remove) your name and experiences on this page - Log On and edit your Personal Mountain Bagging Record
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Great Stony Hill
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