Mountain (Hewitt), Wainwright, Nuttall & Marilyn Icon

Great Gable
899m (2951ft)

The Western Fells, The Lake District, Cumbria, England

Record Great Gable as Bagged, Climbed & Conquered

English Mountain Icon

English Mountain
9th highest in England,
25th in England & Wales

English Nuttall Icon

English Nuttall
11th highest in England,
28th in England & Wales

English Marilyn Icon

English Marilyn
4th highest in England,
238th highest in Great Britain

Walk Great Gable walking UK Mountains in The Western Fells The Lake District National Park Cumbria, England

The view from the summit of Great Gable

Photo: Ian Mansell

You can find Great Gable & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)

The Lake District National Park

1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):

OL4 The English Lakes - North Western area

1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Maps (the ones with pink/magenta covers):

89 West Cumbria, Cockermouth & Wast Water

90 Penrith & Keswick, Ambleside

See Great Gable and the surrounding tops on our free-to-access 'Google Style' Peak Bagging Maps:

See Great Gable and the surrounding tops on our downloadable PDF Peak Bagging Maps:

NB: Whether you print off a copy on to paper or download it to your phone, these PDF Peak Baggers Maps will prove incredibly useful when your are up there on the tops and you cannot get a phone signal!

You can walk to the top of Great Gable by using any of these 9 easy‑to‑follow route maps:
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Walk c442 Great Gable and Green Gable from Honister Hause

Easy to follow paths - a Lakeland classic

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 5.75ml (9km)
Ascent:2,340ft (731m)
Time:4½ hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 5 Icon (Moderate)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c118 Great Gable from Seathwaite (Borrowdale)

Clear paths & superb views on glorious gable

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 6ml (9.5km)
Ascent:2,845ft (867m)
Time:5 hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 6 Icon (Moderate)
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Walk c338 Great Gable and Kirk Fell from Honister Hause

Easy to follow paths - a Lakeland classic

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 7.5ml (12km)
Ascent:3,289ft (1,002m)
Time:6 hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 6 Icon (Moderate)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c241 Great Gable and Honister Pass from Seatoller

Easy to follow paths - a Lakeland classic

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 8.25ml (13km)
Ascent:3,016ft (919m)
Time:6 hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 6 Icon (Moderate)
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Walk c151 Great Gable, Kirk Fell and Hay Stacks from Honister Hause

Good paths on rough ground

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 8.5ml (13.5km)
Ascent:4,260ft (1,298m)
Grade:Walk Grade 7 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c417 Base Brown, Great Gable and Kirk Fell from Honister Hause

Easy to follow paths with great views

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 9ml (14.5km)
Ascent:3,965ft (1,208m)
Time:7½ hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 7 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c174 Glaramara and Great Gable from Seatoller

Rough paths but generally easy to follow

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 10.5ml (17km)
Ascent:4,693ft (1,430m)
Time:8½ hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 8 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c141 Great Gable and Pillar from Wasdale Head, Wast Water

Superb high level route from remote Wasdale

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 11.25ml (18km)
Ascent:5,819ft (1,773m)
Time:10 hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 9 Icon (Very Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c120 The Ennerdale Horseshoe

Strenuous, high level route worth every step - if you have the energy!

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 18.75ml (30km)
Ascent:7,309ft (2,408m)
Grade:Walk Grade 9 Icon (Very Hard)

Other walkers who hiked, climbed, bagged and summited Great Gable Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Great Gable

Angeline Grieveson walked up Great Gable on October 5th, 2024 [with] Rick & Dotty

Geoff Hand climbed Great Gable on September 3rd, 2024 [from/via/route] Walk C417 Great Gable & Kirk Fell from Honister. Set off from Honister & climbed Grey Knotts, from there onto Glamara. We then climbed towards Green Gable but went South to pick up Brown Base. We retraced our steps, climbed green gable & onto Gt Gable. Leaving Gt Gable in cloud we found the path down to Beck Head. When reached there the cloud had lifted off Kirk fell so we went for it. Came back by Moses's trod & the dismantled tramway to Honister. [with] Tess, my Jack Russell [weather] Started off quite sunny, however cloud moved in & covered Gt Gable. A bit drisly towards the end. - A really tough walk, one I would think twice about in the future. Very pleased with my navigation of Gt Gable as it was spot on! According to my garmin I didn't quite hit the top of Grey Knots & Brandreth. I find this incredible as I did a lot of tramping around to make sure I hit the tops today. So I'm claiming them anyway. NB I've also done them both before.

Simon Myerscough bagged Great Gable on November 27th, 2023 [from/via/route] From Seathwaite dry to start then progressively colder & misty - some snoe above 2000ft. [with] Joanne [weather] Light winds & dull all day - Scramble coming down Sourmilk Ghyll was challenging but made it after change of line

Christine Shepherd hiked Great Gable on July 19th, 2003 [from/via/route] Walked from Honister via Brandreth. Second & Third times from Seathwaite Fourth & Fifth times from Honister again. [with] Andy, Miriam and Ishmay (aged 7) [weather] Sunny - Got half way up Gable again in July 07 but turned back in heavy rain. Reached the summit again twice in 2010. On 18.6.10 Jenny & I had a glorious walk from Seathwaite taking in Fleetwith Pike before a descent via Honister. I then led a church group to the top just over a week later on 26.6.10, in lovely sunshine. Climbed again 30.11.19. Had to walk back to Honister along Moses Trod in the dark! Climbed for a fifth time on 8.6.23 using walk c417, in gorgeous sunshine with a pleasant breeze.

John Ramsbottom summited Great Gable on April 10th, 2023 [from/via/route] walk c442 parked at Honister slate mines [with] Lola [weather] misty/rainy/windy - solo walk with Lola, bad visibilty, glad i had digital mapping

Richard Fulcher conquered Great Gable on April 3rd, 2023 [from/via/route] Parked in the NT car park at Honister Slate Mine & walked up the steep path to Grey Knotts. We then traversed over the rock strewn ridge to Brandreth & across Gillercomb Head to Green Gable. Just before reaching the top of GG I diverted left down the fell & across to Base Brown. I then returned by the same route & we carried on up to the summit of GG after having some lunch. After a slippery descent from GG to Windy Gap we then started the rocky ascent to Great Gable. We returned to WG by the same route & then descended down another scree strewn path to join the Moses Trod path before branching off towards the dismantled tramway at Honister. The rocky paths continued pretty much all the way back. [with] Jen [weather] Sunny, blue skies, cold at times when in exposed sections, very good visibility. - Be prepared for some climbing over rocks in certain stretches esp. up Great Gable.

Martyn Atherton scaled Great Gable on September 20th, 2020 [from/via/route] c338 Grey Knotts, Brandreth, Green Gable, Great Gable, Kirk Fell [with] Martyn and Paul [weather] Cloudy at first then very warm & sunny - Great view of the mines

Neall Garrad walked up Great Gable on June 25th, 2022 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head [weather] Sunny, hailstones, windy

Paul Macey climbed Great Gable on June 6th, 2022 [from/via/route] C417 in revert [with] Luke [weather] Cloudy but cloud above summits

Ian Ashton bagged Great Gable on September 4th, 2021 [from/via/route] Seathwaite & corridor route down [with] Solo

Andrew Flynn hiked Great Gable on August 1st, 2009 [with] Lads from work

Michael Austin summited Great Gable on June 17th, 2021 [from/via/route] C417

Jeremy Torrance conquered Great Gable on May 3rd, 2010 [with] Ash, Tim, Richie, Jon

Kevin Foster scaled Great Gable on May 14th, 2021 [from/via/route] Honister Pass (slate mine) [with] By myself. [weather] Low clouds down on tops gradually lifting. - One benefit of the weather today was that I sat on the summit rocks near the war memorial plaque completely alone for about 10 minutes. Very peaceful & probably quite rare for a mountain as popular as Great Gable. I also had some tantalising views of Wasdale & Wast Water from the Westmorland cairn as the cloud continued to gradually lift.

Robert Lloyd walked up Great Gable on July 20th, 1977 [with] Imelda [weather] Foggy

Tony Kenny climbed Great Gable on August 8th, 2020 [from/via/route] From Wasdale via Sty Head & Windy Gap [with] Kitty [weather] Sunny with slight breeze

Phil Higgins bagged Great Gable on December 31st, 2008 [from/via/route] Green Gable via Windy Gap [with] Tilly [weather] Fog at Honister, before emerging into billions sunshine. Bright, cold day - With Tilly.

Andy Buxton hiked Great Gable on June 22nd, 1980 [from/via/route] From Seathwaite, via Climbers' Traverse & Great Hell Gate; return over Green Gable & Base Brown [with] Ian Wright [weather] Hot

Richard Beardsley summited Great Gable on July 29th, 2020 [from/via/route] Route C442 from Honister Pass. [with] Gillian, Lisa, Andy, Abigail (10) and Jessica (7). [weather] Overcast all day with partial sunshine & windy on summits. - Parked at slate mine (£5) & commenced walk at 1100hrs. Followed the route guide throughout & summited Grey Knotts & Brandeth where we had lunch. Continued onto the tops of Green Gable & Great Gable along with other walkers taking advantage of a rain free day. After a careful descent from Great Gable we strolled back to the car park arriving back at 1730hrs. A thoroughly enjoyable day out with tired children.

Richard Marshall conquered Great Gable on May 31st, 2020 [from/via/route] Great Gable from Seathwaite [with] Bo and Andy Pratt [weather] Sunny low wind & very hot. Middle of Pandemic

Carl Murphy scaled Great Gable on November 11th, 2019 [from/via/route] Ennerdale [weather] Cold icy some snow on top

Andrew Johnson walked up Great Gable on November 8th, 2019 [from/via/route] Honister [with] Ted [weather] Cloudy

Bay Wan climbed Great Gable on August 24th, 2019 [from/via/route] Kirkfell to Great Gable [with] Cocoa dog - 8 yrs old [weather] Sunny summers day. 20 degrees - Lots of scree especialy at the top of Kirkfell.

Richard Marchant bagged Great Gable on November 23rd, 1993 [from/via/route] This was a two day trip with an overnight camp at Beckhead Tarn below Great Gable. Day 1 we ascended Yewbarrow then onto Red Pike-Scoat Fell-Pillar-Kirk Fell & descended to Beckhead Tarn & camped the night & what a cold night. Day 2 Great Gable-Scafell Pike via the corridor route then Sca Fell & back down to Wasdale & the car. [with] Best Friend Ray Collins. [weather] Clear blue skies, no wind but very cold & in the minus overnight

Cathy Betoin hiked Great Gable on December 27th, 2018 [from/via/route] Rosthwaite - Seathwaite - up the waterwall by the farm onto the ridge & then up to the coll & to Greengable. [with] Pierre, Josh, Tom and Dan [weather] overcast low cloud on the peaks - Christmas family walk - the biggest I have done for a long time!

Jill Dean summited Great Gable on September 22nd, 2018 [from/via/route] Honister pass [with] Grez, me & dexter [weather] Fab

Christina Lander conquered Great Gable on January 7th, 2018 [from/via/route] Honister Slate Mine - Moses Trod - Great Geable - Green Gable - Brandreth - Grey Knotts - Honister Slate Mine [with] Dick and Meg [weather] Beautiful sunny day

John Almond scaled Great Gable on September 17th, 2017 [from/via/route] go4awalk c417 from Honister Slate Mine - Grey Knotts - Brandreth - Base Brown - Green Gable - GREAT GABLE - Kirk Fell - Wainwright 120 [with] Solo [weather] Good, improving throughout the day. Light cloud on summit of Great Gable. - Horrible direct descent from Great Gable via scree/boulder field to Beck Head Tarn, not recommended! Probably better to descend via NW ridge to Beck Head as described in go4awalk walk c417 route description

Iain Jones walked up Great Gable on July 13th, 2016 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head - 29 July 2017 - The Wainwright 60 - Day 1 (Ennerdale)

Lydia Hopkinson climbed Great Gable on June 9th, 2012 [from/via/route] braithwaite [with] walking group [weather] beautiful

David Wand bagged Great Gable on August 10th, 2011 [from/via/route] long walk as was doing as many in two days as poss. thunder storm all around me on the second night. [with] Long walk and camp on the hills.

Chris Sheard hiked Great Gable on October 16th, 2004 [from/via/route] Blacksail hut [with] George & Baz [weather] Misty with Occasional rain - Shame about all the scree

Brian Moncrief summited Great Gable on April 25th, 2014 [with] with Dennis

Mark Davidson conquered Great Gable on October 17th, 2005 [with] Mike [weather] Quite good for October - some good views

Anthony Scott scaled Great Gable on October 10th, 2016 [from/via/route] Honister Hause [with] me [weather] very sunny

Nick Dobson walked up Great Gable on September 10th, 2016 [from/via/route] Seathwaite Farm via Sty Head [with] Margaret & Ralph [weather] Warm, sunny & some clouds about. - Great Views throughout, however on the top of Great Gable clouds dropped limiting views in most directions. Continued on to Green Gable & also Base Brown on return to car

Caroline Winter climbed Great Gable on August 14th, 2016 [from/via/route] Sour milk Gill scramble, Gillercomb, Base Brown, Green Gable, Windy Gap, Great Gable, Sty Head Tarn [with] Andy and Becky [weather] Cloud & nil visibility. No views as promised today. Warm & humid - Decided to go for last peak rather than descending Windy Gap or scree jumping the flanks- I admit we used to do it! Enough energy to descend but not expecting such an interesting walk out along the left side of the Beck. Some more exposed scrambling to Andy's dismay. Bridge to cross before Farm broken by floods so retraced to Sourmilk Gill

Nicola Parkinson bagged Great Gable on May 7th, 2016 [from/via/route] c118 Great Gable from Seathwaite [with] Stu [weather] Sunny...cloudy...sunny...cloudy... - Called Mountain Rescue for fallen climber

Chris Faulkner hiked Great Gable on June 4th, 2016 [from/via/route] From Honister Pass via Grey Knott, Brandretth & Green Gable [with] Michelle Chandler [weather] Very hot, still & humid. - Chelle bum surfed down the scree !!

Phill Brown summited Great Gable on April 8th, 1978 [with] Anne, Eddy, Molly [weather] Sunny

Elaine Evans conquered Great Gable on April 22nd, 2016 [from/via/route] From Seathwaite to Base Brown via Gillercomb, on to Green Gable, then Great Gable via Windy Gap. Descent via Aaron Slack to Styhead Tarn. Return to Seathwaite via Styhead Gill & Stockley Bridge. [with] Sue and Christine [weather] Beautiful! Sunshine & a cool breeze. - Amazing views on a lovely clear day. Not so keen on having to walk among the cows with their calves standing by the gate leading back to the farm at Seathwaite....... but very anxious when someone from another walking group pointed out (before we had reached the gate) that there was a bull too! We survived to tell the tale!

Martyn Howarth scaled Great Gable on September 18th, 2015 [from/via/route] From Buttermere. [with] BLP 24 Peakers. [weather] Cloudy then sunny.

Tony Rogerson walked up Great Gable on August 28th, 2013 [from/via/route] Lingmell Beck Great Gable Green Gable & Kirk Fell [weather] Mist clearing to sunny

James Munroe climbed Great Gable on September 13th, 2015 [from/via/route] Seathwaite-Base Brown-Green Gable-Styhead Tarn [with] Suzanne [weather] Cloudy then Sunny

Steve Frank bagged Great Gable on May 23rd, 2015 [from/via/route] Honister Pass

Joanne Mcgawley hiked Great Gable on August 6th, 2015 [with] Rich [weather] Rain, Cloud & Sun! - 9.7 MILES

Dave Eyes summited Great Gable on July 13th, 2015 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head, Brown Base, Green Gable, Great Gable [with] Christine Eyes [weather] Showers & low cloud - difficult descent in cloud onto scree slopes

Peter Ford conquered Great Gable on June 15th, 2015 [from/via/route] Seathwaite [with] James and Simon [weather] Fine but Cloudy

Claire Lloyd scaled Great Gable on May 3rd, 2015 [from/via/route] Was dale via Styhead Pass [with] Friends - Windy, wet & musty, no view

Pamela Seniore walked up Great Gable on May 24th, 2015 [from/via/route] Via Seathwaite......we drove from Chapel Farm House Campsite towards Honister Pass, then bear left at the bottom of the pass. [with] Luca Seniore, Martin Baker, Tom Baker, Richard, Adam & Lucy Baker, Jane, Leo & Ella Johnson & Rupert [weather] Dry, Windy, Clear & Cloudy at times. - Great climb, conditions etc. perfect for all, the kids did really well :0)) ......then walked down to Windy Gap & over the Green Gable.

Kevin Parnham climbed Great Gable on May 14th, 2015 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head via Styhead [with] Jo [weather] Lovely day,little windy - Brilliant clear views from Westmorland Cairn

David Noble bagged Great Gable on November 9th, 2014 [from/via/route] Honister Pass Seatoller [with] Chris [weather] Drizzle - Remembrance Sunday Saturday 10th May 2015 Lakes mega meet

Wayne Baxter hiked Great Gable on April 18th, 2015 [from/via/route] Honister Hause, along Moses Trod to Beck Head. Up Great Gable, back to Beck Head. Up Kirk Fell. Back along Moses Trod to Honister Hause [with] Sue [weather] Very suuny & hot - We got up at 5am to travel from Derby to get this walk in, what a great day.

Phil Clark summited Great Gable on August 25th, 2003 [from/via/route] With Carl

John Nicholson conquered Great Gable on November 11th, 2013 [from/via/route] Wasdale [with] Bob, Charlie and Gary [weather] sunny & snoww on the top - Climbed to attend the rememberance service on the summit

Stan Goodall has scaled Great Gable [with] ed

Wayne Linley walked up Great Gable on October 12th, 2014 [from/via/route] The mountain rescue stretcher base below sprinkling tarn [with] Larry hallet, Stu allen Max groves [weather] Clear with patchy cloud, wind calm - Well chuffed I bagged this after a wild camp at sprinkling tarn. Hard tab the day before but camping at sprinkling tarn made up for it.

Andy Gibbs climbed Great Gable during September, 2012 [from/via/route] From Seathwaite via styhead tarn [with] Jake, Gav & Eddie [weather] Dry but dull. Minimal visibility from top. - Shame to miss one of best views in England, but was luckier last time. Mustn't grumble!

Marilyn Wadkin bagged Great Gable on March 3rd, 2013 [from/via/route] Seathwaite, up the steep scree before napes needle then across windy gap onto Green Gable. [with] Rob [weather] Snowy on the summit

David Plimmer hiked Great Gable on September 8th, 2014 [with] milo [weather] sunny

Ian Simpson summited Great Gable on September 11th, 2009 [from/via/route] Seathwaite

Clive Ward conquered Great Gable on July 24th, 2014 [from/via/route] Gatesgarth circuit via Fleetwith Pike & Haystacks [with] Ian J & group (8 of us). Scrap D, Conrad, Dave D, Pete, Keith, Chris F [weather] Very hot, sunny

Jason Johnston scaled Great Gable on July 21st, 2014 [from/via/route] Slate mines [with] Becs [weather] Sunny, no wind

Keith Eastman walked up Great Gable on June 14th, 2014 [from/via/route] c417

Mike Jackson climbed Great Gable on July 5th, 2014 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head [with] On my own.. [weather] Sunny. - Did Green Gable first, then Great & onto Kirk Fell & back to the start, fabulous!

Paul Pettit bagged Great Gable on July 1st, 2014 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head/ Sly Head [weather] clear,sunny, calm

Charlie Housley hiked Great Gable on May 29th, 2014 [from/via/route] From Green Gable via the Windy Gap path & straight up the NE scramble route. [with] Solo. [weather] Overcast but dry all day. A nice cooling breeze in places which was much needed as there was a bit of humidity in the air.

Graham Coules summited Great Gable on May 21st, 2014 [from/via/route] Great Gable from Honister [with] Dale [weather] Cloud below tops breaking later - Slight deviation in mist on route down Great Gable ended up with scree slide on Kirk Fell side

Derek Parkin conquered Great Gable on March 18th, 2011 [from/via/route] honister lead mine [with] lynn parkin [weather] clear skies good views

Gill Watson scaled Great Gable on April 16th, 2003 [with] all 5 via moses trodd

John Powell walked up Great Gable during June, 2006 [from/via/route] Ennerdale [weather] Sunny

Jacqueline Debbie Tonks climbed Great Gable during September, 2012 [from/via/route] Wasedale head via sty head [with] Pete Tonks [weather] Torrential rain, thick cloud - Did this walk again on 11th Sept 2013, weather good but low cloud on summit,

Tim Buckley bagged Great Gable on May 24th, 2009 [from/via/route] From Seathwaite, Sourmilk Gill, Gillercomb, Green Gable. [with] Lynne, Esther, Naomi and Amy. [weather] Full sunshine & clear skies. - Wonderful walk, one of our first. Its very popular however.

Beth Webster hiked Great Gable on June 19th, 2012 [with] Hannah Phillips

Michael Lee summited Great Gable during July, 1995 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head, Sty Head, Napes Needle, Great Gable, Wasdale Head. [with] Friends from church, John & Neil. [weather] Dry sunny, - Climbed Napes Needle as part of the walk.

Ann Davis conquered Great Gable on July 5th, 2013 [from/via/route] from seathwaite via styhead [with] andy [weather] warm then misty on tops - bumped into simon yates in the the mist

Benjamin Mills scaled Great Gable on June 6th, 2013 [from/via/route] C442 [with] Orona [weather] Sunny with scattered cloud

Richard Lycett walked up Great Gable on June 9th, 2012 [from/via/route] Seatoller [with] Jayne [weather] Cold wet & windy - It cleared at the top so great views

Stephen Eddy climbed Great Gable on June 19th, 2010 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head [with] Mike Woodhouse, Tony Harris, Neil Whitehead [weather] Sunny

Harry Meijer bagged Great Gable on May 6th, 2013 [from/via/route] Great Gable from Seathwaite Farm [with] The Lake District Walker

G Philpott hiked Great Gable during August, 2012 [from/via/route] Honister slate mine [weather] Hammered down

Brian Laverty summited Great Gable on April 28th, 2011 [from/via/route] wasdale head [with] wendy [weather] clear, sunny, but very windy - fantastic views, scree descent not very clever

Helen Marrs conquered Great Gable during 2007 [from/via/route] seathwaite [with] family, jeff and my 60th birthday walk

Dale Verrall scaled Great Gable on March 14th, 2011 [from/via/route] Hoisted Pass - Walk number C417 [with] Amber [weather] Low cloud, warm & wet

Victoria Bates walked up Great Gable on February 19th, 2013 [from/via/route] Wasdale Head, Styhead Tarn

Andrew Martin climbed Great Gable on April 3rd, 2010 [from/via/route] wasdale head [with] myself [weather] windy /fine

Oliver Hunter bagged Great Gable during September, 1995 [with] Jackie Clark [weather] Bright sunshine

Phillip Bulley hiked Great Gable on April 14th, 2012 [from/via/route] Green Gable [with] David [weather] Sunny but windy & cold

Raymond Barnett summited Great Gable on January 1st, 2013 [from/via/route] honister [with] myself [weather] windy snow & rain - scary

Leona Skelton conquered Great Gable during August, 2010 [from/via/route] Seathwaite [with] Daniel, my brother [weather] Hot - Steep start up waterfall

Iain Taylor scaled Great Gable on May 15th, 2011 [from/via/route] Seathwaite (NY 23591 12285)

Darren Mortimer walked up Great Gable on September 29th, 2012 [from/via/route] Honister [with] Dermot [weather] wet & windy with a little bit of sun thrown in from time to time - Totally alone on the summit on this day.

Mr Davison climbed Great Gable during August, 2010 [with] celene davison & jenny davison [weather] sunny

Christine Knowles bagged Great Gable on May 22nd, 2012 [from/via/route] From Seatoller via Seathwaite [with] Graham [weather] Beautiful & very hot

Cheryl Hawkes has hiked Great Gable [from/via/route] Seathwaite [with] Steve

Tony Aspden summited Great Gable on August 8th, 2006 [from/via/route] Sty Head [with] Andy [weather] Cloudy

Chris Bramley conquered Great Gable on April 12th, 2012 [from/via/route] Wasdale head [with] Sherpa and bear [weather] Fine, snow on the peaks - Knackered all the way up, combimed with pillar

Colin Pomfret scaled Great Gable on May 29th, 1984 [from/via/route] Honister Pass [with] Brenda, David, and Andrew [weather] Sunny but cool

Jayne Phelps walked up Great Gable on March 27th, 2011 [from/via/route] Seathwaite [weather] Fair

Stephen Byrne, Matthew Thomas, Patrick Rogozinski, Andrew Thornton, Melanie Dunn, Jenny Godfrey, Clifford Meehan , Jonathan Bevan, Maxine Down, Wendy Sockett, Dale Sexton, Paul Woodhouse, Louise Sandwith, Mr M A Blanchard, David Watson, Jonathan Tobin, Deborah Robinson, Peter Walsh, Doug Jeffries, Paul Kendell, Jo Dixon, Teresa Lowery, David Shaw, John Walter, Amanda Hinds, David Laws, Claire Rigg, Simon Clark, Carl Abbott, Edward Wells, Peter O'sullivan, John Grimes, Daniel Cook, David Butterfield, Elaine Grayson, Robert Maclean, Adam Shewry, Louis Smith, Graham Pepper, Neil Heywood, Pam Armstrong, Patricia Dilley, Simon Duerden, Colin Egan, Paul Booth, Adrian Roberts, Jeanette Coward, Andrew Buxton, Ian Thomas, Rod Cove, Angela Moroney, Linda Mckeogh, Trevor Williams, Tracey Cordes, Ray Ball, Patrick Buckland, Robin Scott, Jeffrey Hall, Wendy Sockett, Stephen Millington, Chris Bede, Rob Barklamb, Pete Howes, Jacqui Smith, Les Wrightson, John Tippins, Karen Mountain, Sarah Lowe, Ray O'hara, Ian Miles, Libby Burns and Rebecca Hardy have all walked, climbed & bagged Great Gable.

To add (or remove) your name and experiences on this page - Log On and edit your Personal Mountain Bagging Record

. . . [see less walk reports]

More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Great Gable

Yewbarrow (left), Great Gable and Lingmell (right) and Scafell Pike (far right) from Wast Water

Yewbarrow (left), Great Gable and Lingmell (right) and Scafell Pike (far right) from Wast Water

Photo: Peter Dryden (4)

Kirk Fell with Red Pike (Wasdale), Little Scoat Fell and Pillar behind from Westmorland Cairn, Great Gable

Kirk Fell with Red Pike (Wasdale), Little Scoat Fell and Pillar behind from Westmorland Cairn, Great Gable

Photo: Andy Malcolm (218)

Kirk Fell, Great Gable, Great End and Lingmell from the summit of Yewbarrow

Kirk Fell, Great Gable, Great End and Lingmell from the summit of Yewbarrow

Photo: David Hemingway (6)

My wife Pamela on the top of Green Gable with Great Gable behind

My wife Pamela on the top of Green Gable with Great Gable behind

Photo: Andrew Ward (2)

*From Left to right: Caw Fell, Seatallan, Red Pike, Pillar, Yewbarrow, Kirk Fell, Great Gable, Lingmell and Sca Fell and Wast Water (foreground) from Illgill Head (NB. Scafell Pike is largely hidden behind Sca Fell)

*From Left to right: Caw Fell, Seatallan, Red Pike, Pillar, Yewbarrow, Kirk Fell, Great Gable, Lingmell and Sca Fell and Wast Water (foreground) from Illgill Head (NB. Scafell Pike is largely hidden behind Sca Fell)

Photo: Wayne Hill (34)

Wasdale Head featuring Yewbarrow (left), Great Gable (centre) and Lingmell (right) from across Wast Water

Wasdale Head featuring Yewbarrow (left), Great Gable (centre) and Lingmell (right) from across Wast Water

Photo: Ian Mansell (1)

Innominate Tarn with Grey Knotts, Brandreth, Green Gable, Great Gable and Kirk Fell forming the backdrop

Innominate Tarn with Grey Knotts, Brandreth, Green Gable, Great Gable and Kirk Fell forming the backdrop

Photo: Alan Wainwright (241)

Wast Water with Great Gable beyond

Wast Water with Great Gable beyond

Photo: Ian Lilley (5)

Yewbarrow (left), Great Gable (centre in cloud), Lingmell and the shoulder or Scafell Pike (right) from across Wast Water

Yewbarrow (left), Great Gable (centre in cloud), Lingmell and the shoulder or Scafell Pike (right) from across Wast Water

Photo: Andy Malcolm (104)

Kirk Fell and the shoulder of Great Gable (right) with the lower slopes of Great End (left) and Red Pike (Wasdale) in the distance from Sty Head

Kirk Fell and the shoulder of Great Gable (right) with the lower slopes of Great End (left) and Red Pike (Wasdale) in the distance from Sty Head

Photo: John Carney (1)

Blackbeck Tarn on Hay Stacks with Great Gable beyond

Blackbeck Tarn on Hay Stacks with Great Gable beyond

Photo: David Hayter (26)

Looking down Greta Gill to Wasdale from Great End with Red Pike (Wasdale), Little Scoat Fell, Kirk Fell and Great Gable beyond

Looking down Greta Gill to Wasdale from Great End with Red Pike (Wasdale), Little Scoat Fell, Kirk Fell and Great Gable beyond

Photo: Andy Malcolm (230)

Sca Fell, Scafell Pike and the dome of Great Gable in the distance beyond Crinkle Crags and Bow Fell (Bowfell) with The Langdale Pikes in the mid distance from Yoke

Sca Fell, Scafell Pike and the dome of Great Gable in the distance beyond Crinkle Crags and Bow Fell (Bowfell) with The Langdale Pikes in the mid distance from Yoke

Photo: Rob Barklamb (36)

Yewbarrow and Great Gable from Wast Water, Wasdale

Yewbarrow and Great Gable from Wast Water, Wasdale

Photo: Tony Higgs (26)

*Great Gable (left) and Skiddaw (far distance) from Esk Hause

*Great Gable (left) and Skiddaw (far distance) from Esk Hause

Photo: Wayne Hill (17)

Wast Water with Illgill Head (left) and Yewbarrow (right) from Great Gable summit

Wast Water with Illgill Head (left) and Yewbarrow (right) from Great Gable summit

Photo: Matt Delemare (34)

Haycock, Little Scoat Fell, Red Pike (Wasdale), Pillar, Top of Stirrup Crag, Kirk Fell, Great Gable, Great End, Lingmell, Scafell Pike, Sca Fell, Slightside, Harter Fell (Eskdale) and Burnmoor Tarn from the summit of Yewbarrow

Haycock, Little Scoat Fell, Red Pike (Wasdale), Pillar, Top of Stirrup Crag, Kirk Fell, Great Gable, Great End, Lingmell, Scafell Pike, Sca Fell, Slightside, Harter Fell (Eskdale) and Burnmoor Tarn from the summit of Yewbarrow

Photo: David Hemingway (3)

Wast Water, Yewbarrow (left), Kirk Fell (centre left), Great Gable (centre right) and Lingmell Fell (right) from Illgill Head

Wast Water, Yewbarrow (left), Kirk Fell (centre left), Great Gable (centre right) and Lingmell Fell (right) from Illgill Head

Photo: Ian Mansell (10)

Seat and Hay Stacks with Great Gable beyond from High Stile

Seat and Hay Stacks with Great Gable beyond from High Stile

Photo: Alan Gent (3)

Green Gable and Windy Gap from Great Gable

Green Gable and Windy Gap from Great Gable

Photo: Andy Malcolm (223)

. . . see all 140 walk photographs & pictures of views from, on or of Great Gable

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