Mountain (Hewitt), Wainwright & Nuttall Icon

Dollywaggon Pike
858m (2816ft)

The Eastern Fells, The Lake District, Cumbria, England

Record Dollywaggon Pike as Bagged, Climbed & Conquered

English Mountain Icon

English Mountain
21st highest in England,
44th in England & Wales

Wainwright Icon

(No. 18)

English Nuttall Icon

English Nuttall
25th highest in England,
51st in England & Wales

Walk Dollywaggon Pike walking UK Mountains in The Eastern Fells The Lake District National Park Cumbria, England

Dollywaggon Pike Summit

Photo: Gerry Ball

You can find Dollywaggon Pike & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)

The Lake District National Park

1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):

OL5 The English Lakes - North Eastern area

1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Map (the ones with pink/magenta covers):

90 Penrith & Keswick, Ambleside

See Dollywaggon Pike and the surrounding tops on our free-to-access 'Google Style' Peak Bagging Maps:

See Dollywaggon Pike and the surrounding tops on our downloadable PDF Peak Bagging Maps:

NB: Whether you print off a copy on to paper or download it to your phone, these PDF Peak Baggers Maps will prove incredibly useful when your are up there on the tops and you cannot get a phone signal!

You can walk to the top of Dollywaggon Pike by using any of these 5 easy‑to‑follow route maps:
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Walk c181 Dollywaggon Pike and Seat Sandal from Patterdale

Great high level route with an easy scramble

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 10ml (16km)
Ascent:3,979ft (1,213m)
Time:7½ hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 7 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c220 Helvellyn via Striding Edge from Glenridding

Lakeland's most climbed mountain via the infamous Striding Edge - not for the faint hearted

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 10ml (16km)
Ascent:3,382ft (1,031m)
Time:7 hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 7 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c269 The Grisedale Horseshoe from Patterdale

Lakeland's most climbed mountain - not for the faint hearted

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 11.5ml (18.5km)
Ascent:4,582ft (1,396m)
Grade:Walk Grade 8 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c192 Helvellyn Ridge from Glenridding

An exhilarating high ridge walk

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 13ml (21km)
Ascent:4,359ft (1,329m)
Grade:Walk Grade 8 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c264 The Grisedale Round from Patterdale

Superb high level ridge walk

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 13.25ml (21km)
Ascent:5,189ft (1,581m)
Time:10 hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 9 Icon (Very Hard)

Other walkers who hiked, climbed, bagged and summited Dollywaggon Pike Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Dollywaggon Pike

Hazel Gilbert walked up Dollywaggon Pike on May 13th, 2017 [with] Lawrence

Martyn Atherton climbed Dollywaggon Pike on May 17th, 2024 [from/via/route] Dollywagon, Nethermost & Helvellyn from Thirlmere [with] Martyn KMF Group [weather] Dry & Warm

Kate Peacock bagged Dollywaggon Pike on May 25th, 2024 [from/via/route] Parked at Wanthwaite as well as leaving a car at the end. Up via Clough Head. [with] Me, Sheila & Skye [weather] Sunny at times, breezy & cold when the sun was behind the clouds - Longest hike to date

Richard Fulcher hiked Dollywaggon Pike on May 20th, 2024 [from/via/route] Parked in Glenridding & set off along the path that follows Glenridding Beck on it's south side. Following the is path around the bend at the Youth Hostel this becomes the Red Tarn Beck path. I turned off this & ascended Catstycam up it's eastern shoulder whilst Jen took the easier Swirral Edge path. We met up on Swirral Edge & climbed over the steep rocky terrain up to the ridge & across to Helvellyn. After watching the cricket match in the mist (!) we then walked along to Nethermost Pike & further to Dollywaggon Pike (this was a mistake as it extended the walk too far for us & our level of fitness. We then returned to Helvellyn by the well trodden path along the ridge & then down to Lower Man & down & up to White Side. Jen then took the zigzag path down the side of Keppel Cove whilst I trudged up to Raise to bag my sixth Wainwright of this outing. I returned back down & followed Jen down the Keppel Cove path (right knee complaining). I eventually caught up with Jen at a bridge near to the old mine. We then completed the day's hike with a well deserved pint & meal (uhhg) at the Travellers Rest pub in Glenridding. A 12 hour walk … very tired with every muscle aching … but what a great day on the fells! [with] Jen [weather] Very sunny & warm to start with, turning cloudy & misty on the tops later.

Jason Mcmillan summited Dollywaggon Pike on July 7th, 2021 [from/via/route] Helvellyn from Thirlmere

Martin Hartshorne conquered Dollywaggon Pike on February 23rd, 2024 [from/via/route] Wythburn church [with] finley [weather] Sunny start, snow in tops, whiteout later & bitterly cold. Ended in the dark again!

Richard Beardsley scaled Dollywaggon Pike on October 23rd, 2023 [from/via/route] Swirls car park. [with] Myself, Paula, Andy and Dylan. [weather] Nice fine day but cold. - Commenced walk at 0800hrs from Swirls car park. Route taken was the Helvellyn round from Thirlmere. Time taken for whole hike was 6 hours.

Angeline Grieveson walked up Dollywaggon Pike on April 5th, 2023 [with] Dotty

James Hughes climbed Dollywaggon Pike on May 30th, 2023 [from/via/route] Birkhouse Moor, Hellvellyn Striding Edge, Nethermost Pike, Dollywagon Pike [with] Solo [weather] Beautiful day, clear, warm. blue skies & no wind. - Pearler of a day...

Geoff Hand bagged Dollywaggon Pike on February 14th, 2023 [from/via/route] From Glen Ridding climbed Birkhouse Moor on the way to Helvellyn back over Nethermost Pike, White Crag & Dolly Waggon Pike [with] Tess [weather] Cold & clear at first followed by squally showers. - Birthday walk taking in Striding Edge, a bit of a challenge with Tess but did get some help from other walkers. Following the old pack horse trail down Patterdale common was great to see how the valley changed from the top at Grisedale Tarn to Braesteads Farm.

Ian Ashton hiked Dollywaggon Pike on March 31st, 2021 [with] Jack Liam chelle

Claire Murray summited Dollywaggon Pike on September 4th, 2021 [from/via/route] Helvellyn from free car park then Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike & Seat Sandal [with] Vitor - Lots of steps to climb to the top, lovely flat walk back beside Thirlmere

Tony Halliday conquered Dollywaggon Pike on May 7th, 2022 [from/via/route] Circular walk starting at swirl car park as part of a circular taking in Helvellyn lower man Helvellyn nethermost pike & dolly wagon pike [with] My boarder terrier jimmy boo and George also my wife sal [weather] The weather was warm start dry sunny no wind but cooler on the summit - Nice circular roughly 10miles great views over Keswick & surrounding fells ended with a nice couple of pints

Christine Shepherd scaled Dollywaggon Pike on February 19th, 2006 [from/via/route] Thirlmere [with] My daughter,Rebecca [weather] A white out! very cold!! - Lead by a local man to the summit in the snow. Was glad to climb Dollywaggon & Nethermost again on my own in glorious sunshine on 25.9.10. using walk c269. Climbed via Raise Beck after climbing Seat Sandal on 7.05.22

Caroline Winter walked up Dollywaggon Pike on September 22nd, 2021 [from/via/route] Steel Fell CP, Seat Sandal opposite Dunmail Raise, Grizedale Tarn, Dollywaggon Pike, Raise Beck, CP [with] Solo [weather] Last day of good weather this week, wind picking up to 30mph on descent - Found myself walking on a good track (not on map), going up Seat Sandal, rather than staying with Raise Beck. Lovely descent of the beck with waterfalls. Watched couple making a difficult & slow direct descent from DW.

Richard Marshall climbed Dollywaggon Pike on August 26th, 2021 [from/via/route] Various [with] Me and Roxy [weather] Sunny & warm

Paul Ward bagged Dollywaggon Pike on April 26th, 2016 [from/via/route] Started from Wild Campsite near Hartsop [with] Jamie

Martin Woods hiked Dollywaggon Pike on June 6th, 2021 [from/via/route] From Patterdale - Birks to Fairfield round to Hellvelyn & down to Glenridding [with] Ackers and Crush [weather] Sun, 22 deegrees v.little breeze

Angela Haworth summited Dollywaggon Pike on March 25th, 2002 [from/via/route] From Thirlspot return via Dollywagon Pike, Grisdale Tarn - Dunmail Raise [with] companion [weather] Dry - Broke leg between Grisdale Tarn & Dunmail Raise - walked myself to the road.

Sarah Culverhouse conquered Dollywaggon Pike on September 18th, 2020 [from/via/route] Glenridding [weather] glorious sunshine

Sarah Hamer scaled Dollywaggon Pike on August 20th, 2020 [from/via/route] Glenridding - parked up & took on Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike & Birkhouse Moor - Striding Edge - near meltdown [with] Chris Hamer, David May and Maddie [weather] Started off sunny & 17 degrees - wind got up & on the top it was really blowing, a little shower but once away from the tops the wind dies down - thank goodness - My memory of Striding Edge must have been buried as this was the 3rd time of taking it on. A good one to start off on - the others surely can only be easier!!

Andy Buxton walked up Dollywaggon Pike on April 25th, 1992 [from/via/route] From Patterdale. Circular walk: Birks, St.Sunday Crag, Fairfield,Dollywagon Pike, Nethermost Pike,Birkhouse Moor [with] SPI Lewis [weather] Cool, clear day, but windy. - Enjoyable route

Kevin Foster climbed Dollywaggon Pike on October 24th, 2019 [from/via/route] Patterdale [with] By myself. [weather] Blue skies (cloud developing later on Striding Edge & Helvellyn). - The only other person I saw the rest of the day was a female fell runner who overtook me on the final pull to this top. The summit cairn, like the previous one, is situated on a small promontory east of the main path & probably gets overlooked by most people who head to or from Helvellyn which is a pity because the views are worth the slight effort it takes to reach it. Superb side on view of St Sunday Crag across the valley.

Andrew Johnson bagged Dollywaggon Pike on October 2nd, 2019 [from/via/route] Bramcrag quarry. Car left in Grasmere. Bus to Thirlmere dam road then bike to Bramcrag quarry, [weather] Sunny weather

Robin Thorne hiked Dollywaggon Pike during May, 2018 [from/via/route] Coast to Coast Walk [with] Jon Thorne [weather] Sunny

Jamie Bryan summited Dollywaggon Pike on July 6th, 2019 [weather] Sunny

Richard Marchant conquered Dollywaggon Pike on March 21st, 1996 [from/via/route] Glenridding-Birkhouse Moor-Striding Edge-Helvellyn-Nethermost Pike-High Crag-Dollywaggon-Grisedale Tarn-Fairfield-St Sunday Crag- Birks & eventually back to Glenridding. [with] Caryn Norman an old friend [weather] Very cold, icy & cloud level down to the 700m mark

Stephen Reader scaled Dollywaggon Pike on July 5th, 2019 [from/via/route] Via Grisedale Tarn, & on to Nethermost Pike, Helvellyn an Whiteside [with] Mountain Walks [weather] Very windy, cold & wet on top. No view at all.

John Tippins walked up Dollywaggon Pike on October 27th, 2018 [from/via/route] Started from Glenridding car park. Walk c220 from [with] Solo [weather] Very sunny all day but biting northerly wind - wind chill minus 11. Was quite warm in sheltered spots - if you can find any on the way up Helvellyn.

Wayne Baxter climbed Dollywaggon Pike on April 10th, 2019 [from/via/route] From lay-by near Stanan walked up sticks pass, right at the top to Raise, Whiteside, Hellvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywagon Pike & Seat Saddle. Down Tongue Gill. Bus back to Stanan [with] Sue [weather] Cloudy with a strong east wind - Steep decline from Dollywagon & what a climb up Seat

Lucy Perchard bagged Dollywaggon Pike on September 5th, 2018 [from/via/route] the Helvellyn range ascending from Legburthwaite to Sticks Pass & then along the ridge to Raise, Whiteside, Lower Man, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike & Dollywagon Pike, then down to Grisedale Tarn, back up to Seat Sandal before descending down to Grasmere. [with] Tony [weather] Mostly sunny - Great views of High Crag & Nethermost Pike/Grag

Andrew Peate hiked Dollywaggon Pike on July 19th, 2018 [from/via/route] From Tongue Gill, Grisedale Tarn [weather] Clear, sunny, hot

Michael Nolan summited Dollywaggon Pike on May 1st, 2018 [from/via/route] sleet gales mist...not so sure that 'only unsuitable clothing ' rather than bad weather is always true [weather] just awful! - still enjoyed it!

Simon Myerscough conquered Dollywaggon Pike on November 13th, 2005 [from/via/route] C220

Neil Bennett scaled Dollywaggon Pike on August 17th, 2017 [from/via/route] Climbed Helvellyn from the car park at Wythburn Church before moving on to Nethermost Pike, High Crag & Dollywaggon Pike. Dropped down to Grisedale Tarn & followed Raise Beck down to Dunmail Raise. [with] Pam Bennett, Oliver Bennett, Thomas Bennett. [weather] Sunny with variable amounts of cloud.

Dave Eyes walked up Dollywaggon Pike on August 23rd, 2017 [from/via/route] from Patterdale, up grisedale to the tarn, up seat sandal & then on to dollywagon [with] Christine Eyes [weather] Cloudy & warm - good views - total walk included Seat Sandal, Dolly wagon, Nethernost pike, Helvellyn & Catsycam

Clare Tait climbed Dollywaggon Pike on August 13th, 2017 [from/via/route] Parked at Swirls & took bus to Dunmail Raise. Good paths & great views. On to Helvellyn & back down to Swirls. Good route. [with] Charlie [weather] Sunshine - Beautiful views.

Iain Jones bagged Dollywaggon Pike on August 5th, 2017 [from/via/route] Kirkstone Pass (The Wainwright 60 - Day 3 (Helvellyn)) [with] Graeme High

Simon Wilde hiked Dollywaggon Pike on June 7th, 2007 [from/via/route] Great tongue [with] Nicola wilde [weather] Sunny - Honeymoon

Anthony Scott summited Dollywaggon Pike on July 3rd, 2017 [from/via/route] YHA Helvellyn [with] me [weather] Grey clouds & mist clearing to sunny spells - Quite busy for a Monday

Chris Sheard conquered Dollywaggon Pike on June 6th, 1998 [from/via/route] Ridge from nethermost up from Grisedale Tarn - also 7 May 1999 [with] John & Paul later George Baz & Colin on CTC [weather] Pretty good both days - Nice hill not always appreciated as people press on to Helvelyn - Scree a bit yuk

Elaine Evans scaled Dollywaggon Pike on May 12th, 2017 [from/via/route] Ascent from Dunmail Raise via Raise Beck to Grizedale Tarn, then up to Dollywaggon Pike. [with] Sue and Christine [weather] Beautiful warm day with a welcome breeze. Rather hazy. - Good walk to complete Helvellyn Ridge avoiding Striding & Swirral Edges.

Robert Shaw walked up Dollywaggon Pike on August 22nd, 1998 [from/via/route] Striding Edge route up. [with] The usual crew [weather] Clear

Tracey Cowell climbed Dollywaggon Pike on March 12th, 2017 [from/via/route] Raise beck /dolly wagon pike/nether most pike/Willie wife moor [with] Andy Foster [weather] Rain

Darren Wilson bagged Dollywaggon Pike on January 29th, 2017 [from/via/route] from Wythburn Nethermost, Dollywagon Seat Sandal [with] with Dan & Anthony [weather] snow blizzards above 650metres

Steve Cookson has hiked Dollywaggon Pike [from/via/route] patterdale [with] Ed [weather] sunny

Jill Dean summited Dollywaggon Pike on October 15th, 2016 [from/via/route] Patterdale [with] Grezzingtons

Mark Davidson conquered Dollywaggon Pike on May 7th, 2008 [with] Alone - though I had scattered Jack's ashes on Helvellyn as were his wishes [weather] Nice & Sunny

Mark Price scaled Dollywaggon Pike on September 10th, 2016 [from/via/route] Glen Ridding to Grasmare [with] Shaun Dunmall, Marek, David Hill

David Watson walked up Dollywaggon Pike on June 12th, 2016 [from/via/route] Patterdale via Eagle Crag & Hard Edge. [weather] Good on the way up. Caught in rain storm on the way back.

Paul Peppiate climbed Dollywaggon Pike on May 14th, 2016 [from/via/route] Wythburn Church [with] Annie [weather] Glorious, sunny - First walk with walking poles - much better!

John Senior bagged Dollywaggon Pike during May, 2015 [from/via/route] Grisedale tarn [with] Julie, Phil and Laura

Tony Rogerson hiked Dollywaggon Pike on June 23rd, 2015 [from/via/route] Up Grisedale down Swirral Edge [with] Floss [weather] Sunny - Hot day

Mike Jackson summited Dollywaggon Pike on September 13th, 2015 [from/via/route] Kirkstone Pass [with] Global [weather] Ok - Part of the 24 Peaks in 24 hours

Phillip Bulley conquered Dollywaggon Pike on September 11th, 2015 [from/via/route] Grizedale Tarn [with] Judith and Toby. [weather] Sunny & very windy.

Derek Parkin scaled Dollywaggon Pike on July 26th, 2015 [from/via/route] Nethermost Pike [with] Lynn Parkin [weather] rain

Paul Macey walked up Dollywaggon Pike on June 22nd, 2015 [from/via/route] Started Seat Sandal ended Glenridding [weather] Cloudy - Left Helvellyn via swirl edge missed Catstye walked birkhouse moor

Andy Pearce climbed Dollywaggon Pike on April 5th, 2015 [from/via/route] Glenridding via Sheffield Pike & Helvellyn [with] Anita Pearce, Tyler Peacock [weather] Sunny

Christina Lander bagged Dollywaggon Pike on February 17th, 2015 [from/via/route] Grasmere [with] Dick, Michael & Kath Hobday [weather] Cold & dry. Windy. Snow underfoot - On route to Helvellyn

Leon Harvey hiked Dollywaggon Pike on February 9th, 2015 [from/via/route] Seat Sandal, Dollywaggon Pike, High Crag, Nethermost Pike [with] Solo [weather] Ice & Snow Clear weather - Lovely View

Ian Woodford has summited Dollywaggon Pike [from/via/route] From helvellyn [with] Alone [weather] Sunny - Bagged this walking along the top from Helvellyn. Take a map as bagging these can be easy missed.

Simon Neilson-Clark conquered Dollywaggon Pike on October 12th, 2014 [from/via/route] Horseshoe of Stone Arthur Great Rigg Fairfield & Dolly wagon Pike [with] Mrs H [weather] Sunny with cloud inversion - This was the one we added to the end of the walk so we could do Hellvelyn without having to pick this up but beautiful day No wind at the top so we had a cup of tea & enjoyed the view

Andrew Wood scaled Dollywaggon Pike on June 29th, 2014 [from/via/route] Go 4 a walk [with] Andrew, Doug & Mel [weather] Lovely warm day cold on the tops - Great day out bagged Birkhouse moor, Helvellyn via Striding Edge, Nethermost pike then this one. Really nice walk back to car park at Glenridding.

Joanne Mcgawley walked up Dollywaggon Pike on September 13th, 2014 [from/via/route] Nethermost Pike & SeaT sANDAL [with] Rich [weather] Muggy & Warm - 8 MILES

Ian Simpson climbed Dollywaggon Pike on August 23rd, 2014 [from/via/route] From Wythburn car park [with] Lou

David Noble bagged Dollywaggon Pike on August 15th, 2014 [from/via/route] Glenridding [with] Reece [weather] Sunny & overcast

Keith Eastman hiked Dollywaggon Pike on July 9th, 2014 [from/via/route] c220

Simon Boddy summited Dollywaggon Pike on June 8th, 2014 [from/via/route] Glenridding [with] Girlfriend [weather] Windy but fair

Michael Vaughn conquered Dollywaggon Pike on June 6th, 2014 [from/via/route] Thirlmere [with] Rob Friend [weather] clear

David Fearn scaled Dollywaggon Pike on June 11th, 2014 [from/via/route] From Glenridding via Mires Beck to Birkhouse Moor, Then via Striding Edge to Helvellyn, then Nethermost Pike. Returned to Glenriiding via Grisedale Tarn & Grisedale [with] Alone, Joinned up with a group of RAF personnel to cross Striding Edge. [weather] Warm clear day, intermittent cloud on summit of Helvellyn

Jennifer Connolly walked up Dollywaggon Pike on May 31st, 2014 [from/via/route] Patterdale [with] Michael, Kate, Simon, joss, Sam, Toby, Al Tobin, Kirsty, Leigh and about 20 others! [weather] Beautiful sunny day

Kevin Parnham climbed Dollywaggon Pike on May 16th, 2014 [from/via/route] Helvellyn & Nethermost Pike [with] Jo [weather] Warm & sunny but windy

Doug Martin bagged Dollywaggon Pike on April 23rd, 2014 [from/via/route] Willie Wife Moor from Dunmail Raise [with] Fellwalkers [weather] Cold & windy but thankfully rain stayed off til very end by which time we were at bus.

Alex Holland hiked Dollywaggon Pike on April 4th, 2014 [from/via/route] C220

Ann Davis summited Dollywaggon Pike on March 10th, 2014 [from/via/route] wythburn car park [weather] glorius...sun, blue skies no wind & a little snow on top - sublime didn`t want to come down

Steve Frank conquered Dollywaggon Pike on May 31st, 2008 [from/via/route] Glenridding [with] Jackie Frank [weather] Sunny

Harry Meijer scaled Dollywaggon Pike on September 1st, 2013 [from/via/route] Helvellyn & Striding Edge Detour,Glenridding [with] The Lake District Walker

Graham Coules walked up Dollywaggon Pike on May 19th, 2008 [from/via/route] Thirmere Highpark Woods [with] Dale [weather] Sunny spells. Light cloud

Gill Watson climbed Dollywaggon Pike during July, 2003 [with] Gill

Charlie Housley bagged Dollywaggon Pike on November 11th, 2013 [from/via/route] From Thirlspot Farm along the old pony track via Brown Crag. [with] Solo. [weather] Atrocious.

Clive Ward hiked Dollywaggon Pike on May 5th, 2012 [from/via/route] Patterdale - Glenridding - Striding Edge - Helvellyn - Nethermost - Grisedale [with] One my own [weather] Clear, mostly sunny. Freezing cold. - See Helvellyn for more notes

Raymond Barnett summited Dollywaggon Pike on October 17th, 2013 [from/via/route] wythburn [with] self [weather] clear

Christine Knowles conquered Dollywaggon Pike on April 30th, 2013 [from/via/route] from Great Dodd over Helvellyn Ridge [with] Graham [weather] Cool, bit windy.

Peter Harris has scaled Dollywaggon Pike [from/via/route] Paterdale

Brian Laverty walked up Dollywaggon Pike during May, 2010 [from/via/route] glenridding [with] wendy [weather] rain,cloud

Jacqui Smith climbed Dollywaggon Pike on January 10th, 2013 [from/via/route] wythburn [with] graham and John Scadding [weather] Perfect - Cloud inversion & Brcokenspectre x4

Iain Taylor bagged Dollywaggon Pike on June 5th, 2011 [from/via/route] Glenridding (NY 38992 16932)

Carole Walton hiked Dollywaggon Pike on October 28th, 2012 [from/via/route] Patterdale, Grisdale, [with] Friends x 2 [weather] Wet & horrible - Pub fire was great

Bay Wan summited Dollywaggon Pike on September 2nd, 2012 [from/via/route] Start from Grasmere, towards Helvellyn & down via Lower Man [with] Graeme Cowie and Cocoa Pops (the dog) [weather] Warm, calm & sunny - 13/ 14 miler in total

Darren Mortimer conquered Dollywaggon Pike on May 24th, 2012 [from/via/route] Patterdale [with] Dermot Palmer [weather] Hot & sunny

Stephen Littlewood scaled Dollywaggon Pike on June 6th, 2007 [from/via/route] from Patterdale

Chris Bramley walked up Dollywaggon Pike on April 7th, 2012 [from/via/route] From Patterdale via Routhwaite lodge [with] My lovely wife [weather] Misty to start but opened up with good views - Climbed the tongue very tricky, & had cakes & tea at Routhwaite weetabix fruit cake charity event

Jayne Phelps climbed Dollywaggon Pike on May 21st, 2009 [from/via/route] Thirlmere

Andy Dickinson, Patrick Rogozinski, Paul Roddam, Jenny Godfrey, Clare Houlihan, Jane Wilkinson, Karen Roche, Matthew Thomas, Wendy Sockett, Angela Moroney, Victoria Bates, Mr M A Blanchard, Trevor Longman, Paul Kendell, Jo Dixon, John Walter, Peter Clark, David Shaw, David Laws, Elaine Grayson, Simon Clark, Steven Woodroffe, Edward Wells, Peter O'sullivan, John Grimes, David Butterfield, James Munroe, Graham Pepper, Gordon Lee, Patricia Dilley, Simon Duerden, Colin Egan, Jonathan Tobin, Phil Clark, Robin Blunden, Paul Booth, Louise Sandwith, Steve Davenport, Louis Smith, Helen Marrs, Kath Edwards, Rod Cove, Linda Mckeogh, Trevor Williams, John Powell, Tracey Cordes, Paul Henderson, Carol Juden, Andrew Martin, Patrick Buckland, Jeffrey Hall, Paul Stevens, Ian Thomas, Stephen Millington, Rob Barklamb, Jeanette Coward, Adam Shewry, Ray O'hara, Libby Burns, Jenny O'hare and Rebecca Hardy have all walked, climbed & bagged Dollywaggon Pike.

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More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Dollywaggon Pike

A frozen Grisedale Tarn from the lower slopes of Dollywaggon Pike in the snow

A frozen Grisedale Tarn from the lower slopes of Dollywaggon Pike in the snow

Photo: Peter Dryden (22)

Fairfield from Dollywaggon Pike

Fairfield from Dollywaggon Pike

Photo: Alan Wainwright (44)

The Helvellyn Ridge featuring Dollywaggon Pike, Nethermost Pike, Helvellyn and Striding Edge from Fairfield

The Helvellyn Ridge featuring Dollywaggon Pike, Nethermost Pike, Helvellyn and Striding Edge from Fairfield

Photo: Mike Walker (334)

Dollywaggon Pike (right) with The Langdale Pikes (mid distance) and Bow Fell (Bowfell) and
Scafell Pike (far distance) from St Sunday Crag

Dollywaggon Pike (right) with The Langdale Pikes (mid distance) and Bow Fell (Bowfell) and Scafell Pike (far distance) from St Sunday Crag

Photo: Rob Barklamb (2)

Grisedale Hause, Dollywaggon Pike (centre), Nethermost Pike, Helvellyn and Striding Edge (far right) from Great Rigg

Grisedale Hause, Dollywaggon Pike (centre), Nethermost Pike, Helvellyn and Striding Edge (far right) from Great Rigg

Photo: David Hayter (316)

Looking down Grisdale from Dollywaggon Pike with St Sunday Crag on the right and Ullswater in the distance

Looking down Grisdale from Dollywaggon Pike with St Sunday Crag on the right and Ullswater in the distance

Photo: Wayne Hill (81)

The summit cairn on Dollywaggon Pike

The summit cairn on Dollywaggon Pike

Photo: Christine Shepherd (520)

 Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike and High Crag from Dollywaggon Pike

Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike and High Crag from Dollywaggon Pike

Photo: Alan Wainwright (46)

The head of the Grisedale Valley with Dollywaggon Pike to the left, High Crag, Nethermost Pike and then Helvellyn (far right) from near Brownend Plantation

The head of the Grisedale Valley with Dollywaggon Pike to the left, High Crag, Nethermost Pike and then Helvellyn (far right) from near Brownend Plantation

Photo: Mike Renny (4)

Dollywaggon Pike, Nethermost Pike and Helvellyn from Cofa Pike near the summit of Fairfield

Dollywaggon Pike, Nethermost Pike and Helvellyn from Cofa Pike near the summit of Fairfield

Photo: Rob Barklamb (3)

*Dollywaggon Pike, Nethermost Pike and Helvellyn from Fairfield

*Dollywaggon Pike, Nethermost Pike and Helvellyn from Fairfield

Photo: Wayne Hill (36)

A frozen Grisedale Tarn from the lower slopes of Dollywaggon Pike in the snow

A frozen Grisedale Tarn from the lower slopes of Dollywaggon Pike in the snow

Photo: Peter Dryden (23)

Nethermost Pike from Dollywaggon Pike

Nethermost Pike from Dollywaggon Pike

Photo: Dean Richardson (14)

 On Dollywaggon Pike summit

On Dollywaggon Pike summit

Photo: Alan Wainwright (47)

Clouds rolling in over Fairfield (left), Dollywaggon Pike and Nethermost Pike from Helvellyn

Clouds rolling in over Fairfield (left), Dollywaggon Pike and Nethermost Pike from Helvellyn

Photo: Craig Carter (11)

 Dollywaggon Pike summit cairn

Dollywaggon Pike summit cairn

Photo: Alan Wainwright (45)

Storms brewing over St Sunday Crag (far left), Fairfield (left) and Dollywaggon Pike (right) and Grisedale from Brownend Plantation

Storms brewing over St Sunday Crag (far left), Fairfield (left) and Dollywaggon Pike (right) and Grisedale from Brownend Plantation

Photo: Edward Felstead (19)

Rays of sun shining through the clouds over Fairfield (left) and Dollywaggon Pike (right) and Grisedale from Brownend Plantation

Rays of sun shining through the clouds over Fairfield (left) and Dollywaggon Pike (right) and Grisedale from Brownend Plantation

Photo: Edward Felstead (18)

The Helevllyn Ridge featuring: Great Dodd, Watson's Dodd, Stybarrow Dodd, Raise (Helvellyn), White Side, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, St Sunday Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg and Heron Pike with Steel Fell (mid distance) and Calf Crag, Gibson Knott and Helm Crag  (foreground) from Brownrigg Moss

The Helevllyn Ridge featuring: Great Dodd, Watson's Dodd, Stybarrow Dodd, Raise (Helvellyn), White Side, Helvellyn, Nethermost Pike, Dollywaggon Pike, St Sunday Crag, Fairfield, Great Rigg and Heron Pike with Steel Fell (mid distance) and Calf Crag, Gibson Knott and Helm Crag (foreground) from Brownrigg Moss

Photo: Alan Wainwright (211)

Grisedale Tarn from Dollywaggon Pike

Grisedale Tarn from Dollywaggon Pike

Photo: Alan Wainwright (48)

. . . see all 24 walk photographs & pictures of views from, on or of Dollywaggon Pike

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