Crinkle Crags (Long Top)
859m (2819ft)
The Southern Fells, The Lake District, Cumbria, England
You can find Crinkle Crags (Long Top) & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)
1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):
1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Maps (the ones with pink/magenta covers):
See Crinkle Crags (Long Top) and the surrounding tops on our free-to-access 'Google Style' Peak Bagging Maps:
See Crinkle Crags (Long Top) and the surrounding tops on our downloadable PDF Peak Bagging Maps:

*Walk & bag all 30 Wainwrights in The Southern Fells area of The Lake District in just 11 easy-to-follow circular walks.
*This version is marked with the walk routes you need to follow to Walk all 214 Wainwrights in just 59 walks. Click here for more information.
NB: Whether you print off a copy on to paper or download it to your phone, these PDF Peak Baggers Maps will prove incredibly useful when your are up there on the tops and you cannot get a phone signal!
Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Crinkle Crags (Long Top)
David Peebles walked up Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on June 1st, 2024 [from/via/route] Langdale Campsite Carpark [with] Group [weather] Great Weather. Sun & not t cold or windy.
Chris Faulkner climbed Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on April 9th, 2023 [from/via/route] Troutbeck [with] Michelle Chandler [weather] Bright & blustery.
Martyn Atherton bagged Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on March 13th, 2022 [from/via/route] c279 Pike of Blisco, Cold Pike, Crinkle Crags [with] Self [weather] Dry & cloudy
Tim Winn hiked Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on August 15th, 2022 [with] Barry [weather] Hot with clouds. One quick shower.
Christine Shepherd summited Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on April 16th, 2009 [from/via/route] Used walk c279 'The Oxendale Horseshoe' [with] My friend Jenny [weather] Very breezy but clear. - Had climbed this once before in 1998 but hadn't got an exact date. Climbed again 30.7.15 Climbed with H4TH in rain & strong wind on 2.7.22
Shirley Philips has conquered Crinkle Crags (Long Top) [from/via/route] Great Langdale
Geoff Hand scaled Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on June 15th, 2022 [from/via/route] Walk c279 The Oxendale Round from the Old Dungeon Ghyl up Pike of Blisco, Cold Pike, Great Knott, Little Stand, Crinkle crags & back by The Band. [with] Alone with Tess [weather] Beautiful sunny day, got burnt to a crisp! - Went a little bit wrong at first & went too clos to Blea Tarn. Tess was attacked by a dog who fortunately had a muzzle on otherwise it could have been a mess. Lovely memory of Swallows swooping over a flower meadow on the way back.
Pete George walked up Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on May 7th, 2022 [from/via/route] Old Dungeon Ghyll [with] Roco [weather] Pleasant. Clear on summit
Ian Ashton climbed Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on November 13th, 2021 [with] Solo
Iain Ballard bagged Crinkle Crags (Long Top) on May 29th, 2021 [weather] windy to begin with then sunny
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More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Crinkle Crags (Long Top)

Crinkle Crags - The second Crinkle - Crinkle Crags (Long Top) and the third Crinkle - Gunson Knott from the first Crinkle - Crinkle Crags (South Top)

*Bow Fell (Bowfell), Crinkle Crags (Long Top), Gunson Knott and Crinkle Crags (South Top) from Mickledore (between Scafell Pike and Sca Fell)

*Kettle Crag (left), Oxendale, The Band (centre - with Crinkle Crags (Crinkle Crags (South Top), Crinkle Crags (Long Top), & Gunson Knott) (top left) and Bow Fell (Bowfell) (top right), Mickleden and The Langdale Pikes from Side Pike

Easedale Tarn and High Raise (Langdale) with Bow Fell (Bowfell), Gunson Knott, Crinkle Crags (Long Top) and Crinkle Crags (South Top) beyond from Fairfield

Esk Pike, Bow Fell (Bowfell), Gunson Knott , Crinkle Crags (Long Top) and Crinkle Crags (South Top) from Scafell Pike

*Northernly Panorama from the summit of Hard Knott featuring Sca Fell, Scafell Pike, Esk Pike, Bow Fell (Bowfell), Gunson Knott, Crinkle Crags (Long Top) and Crinkle Crags (South Top)

Crinkle Crags (Long Top), Crinkle Crags (Gunson Knott), Shelter Crags and Shelter Crags (North Top) from Great Langdale

Great Knott, Crinkle Crags (Long Top), Gunson Knott, Crinkle Crags (South Top) and Bow Fell (Bowfell) from Red Tarn (Langdale)

Crinkle Crags (Crinkle Crags (South Top), Crinkle Crags (Long Top), & Gunson Knott), Bow Fell (Bowfell), Esk Pike & The Langdale Pikes from Loughrigg

Gunson Knott, Crinkle Crags (Long Top) and Crinkle Crags (South Top) from Slight Side

*Crinkle Crags featuring Crinkle Crags (Long Top), Gunson Knott & Crinkle Crags (South Top) (left), Bow Fell (Bowfell) (centre) and The Langdale Pikes (right) from Great Langdale

Crinkle Crags (South Top), Crinkle Crags (Long Top) & Gunson Knott after leaving Red Tarn (Langdale)

Crinkle Crags (South Top), Crinkle Crags (Long Top), Crinkle Crags (Gunson Knott), Shelter Crags, Shelter Crags, (North Top), The Band , Bow Fell (Bowfell) and Bow Fell (Bowfell) (North Top), Esk Pike, Rossett Pike and The Langdale Pikes including Pike of Stickle (Pike o' Stickle) (left) Loft Crag and Harrison Stickle from Stool End, Great Langdale
. . . see all 40 walk photographs & pictures of views from, on or of Crinkle Crags (Long Top)
Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Crinkle Crags (Long Top)
If you would like to add your walk photographs and pictures featuring views from, on or of Crinkle Crags (Long Top) to this page, please send them as email attachments (configured for any computer) along with your name to:
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(Guide Resolution = 300dpi. At least = 660pixels (wide) x 440 pixels (high).)
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