Mountain (Hewitt), Wainwright & Nuttall Icon

Bow Fell (Bowfell)
902m (2960ft)

The Southern Fells, The Lake District, Cumbria, England

Record Bow Fell (Bowfell) as Bagged, Climbed & Conquered

English Mountain Icon

English Mountain
8th highest in England,
24th in England & Wales

English Nuttall Icon

English Nuttall
10th highest in England,
27th in England & Wales

Walk Bow Fell (Bowfell) walking UK Mountains in The Southern Fells The Lake District National Park Cumbria, England

The view from the summit of Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Photo: Peter Swan

You can find Bow Fell (Bowfell) & all the walks that climb it on these unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Maps: (click/TAP to select)

The Lake District National Park

1:25,000 scale OS Explorer Map (the ones with orange/yellow covers):

OL6 The English Lakes - South Western area

1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Maps (the ones with pink/magenta covers):

89 West Cumbria, Cockermouth & Wast Water

90 Penrith & Keswick, Ambleside

See Bow Fell (Bowfell) and the surrounding tops on our free-to-access 'Google Style' Peak Bagging Maps:

See Bow Fell (Bowfell) and the surrounding tops on our downloadable PDF Peak Bagging Maps:

NB: Whether you print off a copy on to paper or download it to your phone, these PDF Peak Baggers Maps will prove incredibly useful when your are up there on the tops and you cannot get a phone signal!

You can walk to the top of Bow Fell (Bowfell) by using any of these 6 easy‑to‑follow route maps:
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c371 Esk Pike and Bow Fell (Bowfell) from The Old Dungeon Ghyll, Great Langdale

Superb ridge walking with good views of Scafell Pike

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 9ml (14.5km)
Ascent:3,459ft (1,054m)
Grade:Walk Grade 7 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c414 Crinkle Crags and Bow Fell (Bowfell) from The Old Dungeon Ghyll, Great Langdale

Superb fell walking on a superb ridge

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Vital Statistics:

Length: 9ml (14.5km)
Ascent:3,387ft (1,032m)
Grade:Walk Grade 7 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c129 Crinkle Crags and Bow Fell from The Old Dungeon Ghyll, Great Langdale

Superb fell walking on a superb ridge

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Walk GPX Icon
Walk PDF Icon

Vital Statistics:

Length: 11.25ml (18km)
Ascent:3,604ft (1,098m)
Grade:Walk Grade 7 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c425 The Oxendale Fells from The Old Dungeon Ghyll, Great Langdale

High level route with superb views

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Walk GPX Icon
Walk PDF Icon

Vital Statistics:

Length: 11.75ml (19km)
Ascent:4,680ft (1,426m)
Time:9 hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 8 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c194 Scafell Pike from The Old Dungeon Ghyll, Great Langdale

England's Highest Mountain

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Walk PDF Icon

Vital Statistics:

Length: 12.5ml (20km)
Ascent:4,684ft (1,428m)
Grade:Walk Grade 8 Icon (Hard)
Walking Boot Print Icon

Walk c110 The Eskdale Skyline from Wha House Farm, Eskdale

Stenuous high level route across England's highest mountains

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Walk GPX Icon
Walk PDF Icon

Vital Statistics:

Length: 14ml (22.5km)
Ascent:6,009ft (1,832m)
Time:9 hrs
Grade:Walk Grade 9 Icon (Very Hard)

Other walkers who hiked, climbed, bagged and summited Bow Fell (Bowfell) Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Bow Fell (Bowfell)

David Peebles walked up Bow Fell (Bowfell) on June 1st, 2024 [from/via/route] Langdale Campsite Carpark [with] Group [weather] Great Weather. Sun & not t cold or windy.

Christine Shepherd climbed Bow Fell (Bowfell) on April 25th, 2009 [from/via/route] Used walk c371 from Langdale to bag Rossett Pike, Esk Pike & Bowfell which I had bagged before in July 1997 but couldn't remember the exact date. Climbed again on 6.10.2021 using the same walk but in reverse & going up via The Climber's Traverse; superb! Climbed for the 4th time on 2.7.22 after climbing Cold Pike & Crinkle Crags with H4TH in Cold cloudy conditions. The sky cleared as we made our descent. On 25.04.23 I walked route c371 again; adding on Great End & descending next to the Great Slab & following the Climbers' Traverse. I decided that prefer going up this way. [with] On my own [weather] Windy & fine to start with. The storms which had been forecast for the afternoon kicked in while I was coming down the band. - I had studied the mountain forecast & made an early start so I could be off the tops before the storms. Some people heading for Scafell were putting their wet weather gear back in the car as they 'couldn't see any clouds'. They chose to ignore my warnings about the forecast. I guess they got wet!

John Tippins bagged Bow Fell (Bowfell) on October 25th, 2022 [from/via/route] From the Old Dungeon Ghyll [with] Alone [weather] Dry most of the day, even a bit of sunshine. Some light rain around lunchtime, warm by mid-afteroon. Winds much lighter than recently, but also colder, maybe the fact that I was higher. - At least the second time I've walked this peak but I have no record of the previous date(s).

Chris Sheard hiked Bow Fell (Bowfell) on September 28th, 2022 [from/via/route] Up from Stool end via the band [with] George [weather] middling coolish winds lessened with no rain, brightening through the day - Fairly relentless up the band with worn out path up from three tarns. Offed by passing over crinkle crags. Great day but quite tiring due to covid & flue jabs day before i think

Martyn Atherton summited Bow Fell (Bowfell) on March 12th, 2022 [from/via/route] c371 Rosset Pike, Esk Pike & Bowfell From Langdale [with] Self [weather] Wet at first then dry & misty

Tim Winn conquered Bow Fell (Bowfell) on August 15th, 2022 [with] Barry [weather] Hot with clouds. One quick shower.

Shirley Philips has scaled Bow Fell (Bowfell) [from/via/route] Great Langdale

Ian Ashton walked up Bow Fell (Bowfell) on November 13th, 2021 [with] Solo

Geoff Hand climbed Bow Fell (Bowfell) on March 23rd, 2022 [from/via/route] Walk c371 Rossett Pike, Esk Pike & Bowfell [with] Alone with Tess [weather] Glorious sunny & warm day (ridiculous for this time of year!) - Lovely walk up Mickleden, rossett gill, Esk Hause & back down the Band.

Carl Tillotson bagged Bow Fell (Bowfell) on March 19th, 2022 [from/via/route] using route C371 in revser [with] June [weather] Sunny, quite windy at top. Nice views, a little hazy to the west.

To add (or remove) your name and experiences on this page - Log On and edit your Personal Mountain Bagging Record

. . . [see more walk reports]

More Photographs & Pictures of views from, on or of Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Bow Fell (Bowfell) from Shelter Crags (North Top) summit cairn

Bow Fell (Bowfell) from Shelter Crags (North Top) summit cairn

Photo: Alan Wainwright (177)

Bow Fell (Bowfell) from Shelter Crags

Bow Fell (Bowfell) from Shelter Crags

Photo: Tim Hope (116)

Crinkle Crags, Bow Fell (Bowfell) and The Band from Redacre Gill

Crinkle Crags, Bow Fell (Bowfell) and The Band from Redacre Gill

Photo: Tim Hope (100)

Crinkle Crags (Crinkle Crags (South Top), Crinkle Crags (Long Top), & Gunson Knott), Bow Fell (Bowfell), Esk Pike & The Langdale Pikes from Loughrigg

Crinkle Crags (Crinkle Crags (South Top), Crinkle Crags (Long Top), & Gunson Knott), Bow Fell (Bowfell), Esk Pike & The Langdale Pikes from Loughrigg

Photo: Gerry Ball (58)

Rossett Pike and Black Crags from the top of Great Slab below Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Rossett Pike and Black Crags from the top of Great Slab below Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Photo: Tim Hope (132)

Bow Fell (Bowfell) summit

Bow Fell (Bowfell) summit

Photo: Tony Higgs (12)

Bow Fell (Bowfell) and Crinkle Crags (Long Top) from Hard Knott

Bow Fell (Bowfell) and Crinkle Crags (Long Top) from Hard Knott

Photo: Colin Jenkins (32)

Crinkle Crags (Long Top), Gunson Knott & Crinkle Crags (South Top)  and Bow Fell (Bowfell) from Great Langdale

Crinkle Crags (Long Top), Gunson Knott & Crinkle Crags (South Top) and Bow Fell (Bowfell) from Great Langdale

Photo: Wayne Hill (1)

Heading for The Band from the Three Tarns col between Crinkle Crags and Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Heading for The Band from the Three Tarns col between Crinkle Crags and Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Photo: Dean Richardson (11)

Bow Fell (Bowfell) from above Cam Spout Crag

Bow Fell (Bowfell) from above Cam Spout Crag

Photo: David Hayter (382)

Red Tarn (Langdale) with Great Knott, Shelter Crags (Crinkle Crags) and Bow Fell (Bowfell) beyond

Red Tarn (Langdale) with Great Knott, Shelter Crags (Crinkle Crags) and Bow Fell (Bowfell) beyond

Photo: Simon Barnett (43)

Scafell Pike (right) and Sca Fell (left) with Mickledore (centre) from Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Scafell Pike (right) and Sca Fell (left) with Mickledore (centre) from Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Photo: Peter Swan (10)

Approaching The Great Slab below Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Approaching The Great Slab below Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Photo: Tim Hope (127)

Snow on Esk Pike (left), Bow Fell (Bowfell) and Crinkle Crags (right) from the summit of Scafell Pike

Snow on Esk Pike (left), Bow Fell (Bowfell) and Crinkle Crags (right) from the summit of Scafell Pike

Photo: Tony Higgs (29)

Esk Pike from the summit of Bow Fell (Bowfell) (North Top)

Esk Pike from the summit of Bow Fell (Bowfell) (North Top)

Photo: Alan Wainwright (183)

Views from The Climbers' Traverse below Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Views from The Climbers' Traverse below Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Photo: Tim Hope (122)

Bow Fell (Bowfell) summit cairn

Bow Fell (Bowfell) summit cairn

Photo: Tony Higgs (10)

Bow Fell (Bowfell) (North Top) and Esk Pike from the shelter on Esk Hause

Bow Fell (Bowfell) (North Top) and Esk Pike from the shelter on Esk Hause

Photo: Alan Wainwright (188)

The Scafell Massif - Sca Fell, Symonds Knott, Mickledore, Scafell Pike, Ill Crag & Great End - with Bow Fell (Bowfell) in the right foreground from the summit of Bow Fell (Bowfell) (North Top)

The Scafell Massif - Sca Fell, Symonds Knott, Mickledore, Scafell Pike, Ill Crag & Great End - with Bow Fell (Bowfell) in the right foreground from the summit of Bow Fell (Bowfell) (North Top)

Photo: Alan Wainwright (182)

Rossett Crag, Black Crags, Mart Crag, Pike of Stickle, The Langdale Pikes, Mickleden and Great Langdale from The Climbers' Traverse below Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Rossett Crag, Black Crags, Mart Crag, Pike of Stickle, The Langdale Pikes, Mickleden and Great Langdale from The Climbers' Traverse below Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Photo: Tim Hope (121)

. . . see all 79 walk photographs & pictures of views from, on or of Bow Fell (Bowfell)

Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Bow Fell (Bowfell)

If you would like to add your walk photographs and pictures featuring views from, on or of Bow Fell (Bowfell) to this page, please send them as email attachments (configured for any computer) along with your name to:

and we shall do our best to publish them.

(Guide Resolution = 300dpi. At least = 660pixels (wide) x 440 pixels (high).)

Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Bow Fell (Bowfell) via Facebook

You can also submit photos via our Facebook Page.

NB. Please indicate where each photo was taken.

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