Abberley Hill (Flagstaff Wood)
285m (935ft)
Worcestershire, England
The summit of Abberley Hill (Flagstaff Wood) is marked by an Ordnance Survey Trig Point.
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Abberley Hill (Flagstaff Wood) was promoted to Marilyn status in 1997 but demoted again in 1999.
You can find Abberley Hill (Flagstaff Wood) & all the walks that climb it on this unique free-to-access Interactive Walk Planning Map: (click/TAP to select)
1:50,000 scale OS Landranger Map (the ones with pink/magenta covers):
Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Abberley Hill (Flagstaff Wood)
William Saunders has walked up Abberley Hill (Flagstaff Wood) [from/via/route] Walking from the old village of Great Witley, up main road past filling station, then taking a hike up the hill to the Private School entrance. Once at the school entrance, carefully cross the busy road, then take a right turn onto the lane marked Rock & Bliss Gate, go along the lane a little & on the right used to be a wrought iron bench seat, & just above it there was a path to the top on Abberley Woods & the hill. You can return the same route back down, to this lane, then follow the lane round to Abberley village itself, where there used to be a an INN/ public house- the Abberley Arms. It is a while I was last there ( last visited the area in late 1990's, so paths & places may have changed:) [with] Solo walk [weather] Sunny smells & spells, a muck spreading! & Worcestershire Clagg as usual for the area. - If walking abberley. Ridge be aware it can be very cold there, & the "Big Black Cats (black panthers) were known to roam the area, when I lived nearby, I saw them (about 3) a couple of time, scary! The Abberley & Great Witley areas of North Worcestershire were relatively unspoilt by modern developments, & very much had a real community spirit to them. The Brummie Twang had not infiltrated these villages at the time, as the Worcestershire lingo was a dying breed, due to second home owners, that is why I moved to Mid Wales & family commitments.
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