Lost and Found Walking Gear - Ladies Sunglasses
Have you found : Ladies Sunglasses?
Original Lost/Found Notice: Lost on Wednesday 31st August 2016, ladies Vogue prescription brown sunglasses with a pearl on each arm. I walked back down the Miners track so lost them between the top of Snowdon and the end of the Miners track, but probably lost on the scrambly bits down on Miners track as I think they fell out my one pocket of my rucksack. I was going to walk back up a few days later but howling wind and rain - not a good idea. Reward for anyone finding them. Thank you?
Complete the following and we will get the owner to contact you via email so you negotiate the return.
We're sure a small reward (donated to the Mountain Rescue Organisation of course) would be in order.
Please Note: We manually review ALL replies to Lost and Found notices.
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