Lost and Found Walking Gear - Sony Cybershot Camera
Have you found : Sony Cybershot Camera?
Original Lost/Found Notice: Monday 4th November. I left my brand new anniversary present on the bonnet of our car when we were parked on the hill above Buttermere village. It was in the parking area quite near to the church and was in a little grey pouch. We had just walked round Buttermere trying out the camera and arrived back at the car about 12-30am. I put the camera onto the bonnet as I was changing my shoes and we then drove away. It is possible it could have slid off onto the road a little further down the road towards the village. If you have found it please let me know I shall be very grateful.?
Complete the following and we will get the owner to contact you via email so you negotiate the return.
We're sure a small reward (donated to the Mountain Rescue Organisation of course) would be in order.
Please Note: We manually review ALL replies to Lost and Found notices.
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