Vaude Trerratrio 2p Tent - Your Walking and Hiking Gear Views
These tents can now be bought for £125 including postage.
Ok not the latest and at 2.5 ish kgs not the lightest but it's a good sturdy little tent and Vaude still use the same basic design for even their newest tents.
Set up is easy as long as you put the shorter cross pole in first and make sure the dead sleeve end is fully seated.
All up as one means no wet inner unlike inner first tents which for me is always a turn off when buying. The whole structure is free standing so can be repositioned prior to staking down which is essential . As per usual with so many manufacturers not enough pegs for the number of staking points 11/12 and they are short alloy Y stakes which don't work well in soft ground so I swapped them out for the longer versions.
At 5000hh fly and 6000hh floor it's better than many for poor weather however for an extra £16 a footprint is available and helps protect the bath tub without adding much weight , that said I also have a Tyvek diy footprint which I use when hiking ( yes I do solo with this tent) When fully guyed this is a tough tent and can take a battering although obviously it's not a 4 season unit.
The bag is rubbish and with the poles in makes for an over sized pack.
I use a compression sack which without the poles reduces the room take in you rucksack by 50% however there are two short sewn in poles at the foot of the tent and these could cause damage it you over compress.
The alloys I stow separately either in or on the outside of my bag.
A basic setup in calm weather takes me around 6 mins, like most tents lots of practice in the back garden is the best way.
Pitching is everything even a Hilleburge is not a good tent if setup poorly.
For a solo tent it's big (although a lump to carry) yet unusually you can fit two in with enough room to sleep comfortable and store two rucksacks in the vestibule which is 90cm deep. Most tent makers seem to add one on the actual capabilities or their tents.
For the current price these tents are a bargain and compare well with £250 plus tents as that was the original price.
Lee Miles, Ipswich
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