What to consider - Sleeping Bags for Camping
Most of us have possessed a sleeping bag at some time in our lives and it is easy to think of them as an everyday commodity.
However, a good sleeping bag can make all the difference between a blissful sleep and a night of cold discomfort - so it's worthwhile looking at all the options before choosing one.
The basic function of a sleeping bag is to keep you warm and its effectiveness in this is determined by a number of factors:
- the prevailing environmental conditions;
- you (your gender, your metabolism, when you last ate or took exercise);
- the design of the sleeping bag.
This guide will focus on the sleeping bag design and how this relates to the temperature/ humidity (ie the prevailing conditions) - but it is useful to be aware of the other factors.
This way you can choose a sleeping bag that's right for you rather than necessarily being guided only by the manufacturers' specification.