My walking boots make my feet tingle
Q. I am going to be going on a Charity Trek to South Africa and had been advised to get Berghaus boots as I need them to be light, and plenty of people said they were good.
Sooo I bought some W Explorers V GTX. They are comfy and don't feel tight but after 5 mins of wearing them my feet tingle like pins and needles.
I have tried thick socks, thin socks, insoles, being done up tight and loose but to no avail ?
I can't afford more. Does anyone know what to do??.
Julia Barlow, Berks
A. This could be a condition called Morton's Neuroma.
Martyn Sherman, Sheffield
A. I think your problem could be that your boots are too tight widthwise. I have the problem on my left foot only and on this foot I have a rather deformed and bulging big toe joint. I have tried various things to stretch the left boot at the point where my toe joint is, which have been partially successful - i.e. the condition is considerably improved but unfortunately it doesn't last i.e. the boot goes back again. I'm now working on how to permanently make a stretched place around my big toe joint.
Peter Stokes, Cambridge
A. My experience of tingly feet was really unpleasant so sympathy. But it was cured in my case when I changed my boots to ones that were higher up the ankle, firmer on the sole and a little bigger. I put it down to the combined facts that my feet are bonier as I get older, my feet have never liked trainers ever, that they really were too small. I had perservered wiht my old boots for a few years but wish I had given up much earlier
Mark Hancock
A. Could it be the anticipation of your exciting walk?
Sorry - no helpful medical advice to offer! Good luck with the charity work.
Anna Murray, London
A. I don't want to worry you Julia, but my wife suffers from the same thing.
After much experimentation with socks, boots, etc, she finally went to see her GP and was diagnosed as having neuropathy in her feet and lower legs.
She has been told that what she has is untreatable, and she will have it for life, which virtually rules out any more long distance walking.
Michael Douglas, Leeds
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