Swollen Hands and Feet
Q. Hi,
I have recently taken up hiking, really enjoying it but noticing that my hands/fingers tend to swell up after about an hour of hiking (sometimes to the extent where it becomes difficult to clench closed).
Just wondering if this is a common thing with other hikers and if so, any suggestions with overcoming this/coping with it?.
Jon Woods, Manchester
A. I find I can avoid the swollen fingers problem if I remember to wiggle my fingers / clench my fists BEFORE they get swollen. The mention in another answer of walking poles helping might be for the same reason i.e. because you are gripping the poles so working the fingers?
Andrew Smith, North Wales
A. If you walk with walking poles you will find that as your hands are elevated they will not swell up to the same degree.
Kate Phelan
A. My feet sometimes swell up a little on a particularly long walk or on a really hot day - but not to the extent you describe - have you seen your Doctor?
Hope this helps.
Mike (Editor)
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