Climbing Scafell Pike in March
Q. I am hoping to climb Scafell Pike at the end of March with two friends.
I am interested in what sort of weather we can be expecting on the peak (I know to expect anything, but trying to see if we need more prep than what i was expecting).
We all have experience of hill walking, in non-alpine conditions and some have had a few days guided while at school in winter conditions in the cairngorms.
Firstly, is the end of March a good time to climb Scafell Pike, taking into account the experience of the group?
Do we need to dig out the crampons and axes?
Graham Lake, Nottingham
A. For climbing Scafell Pike see Walks
Not sure whether it is just my imagination or not - but it seems to snow more in March than any other month of the year.
In any event, even when good weather is predicted, the weather conditions in the high mountains can change very quickly - particularly in the winter months.
So I would make sure everyone in your party has winter walking experience and is properly equipped for all conditions.
The golden rule here is better to have and not want - than to want and not have.
So take your Ice Axe and Crampons and if you don't need them - no problem.
Hope this helps
Mike (Editor)
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