The River Lune
Q. Does anyone know of a walk along the River Lune to the source of the river near New Biggin on Lune.
I've heard of the Lune Ramble, does it go all the way?
Nick Gorton, Ambleside
A. The Lune Ramble only goes as far as Kirkby Lonsdale. It is a walk developed by Lancaster City Council and Lancashire County Council, and there's a booklet describing the it, available from either of those sources - or tourist info places should have them.
To continue the walk to Newbiggin, you'd have to resort to maps (!). There are intermittent rights of way all the way although these aren't entirely satisfactory for following the river very closely and include longish sections of allbeit quiet tarmac.
The route needs some work, I think!
Mike Knipe, Crook
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