Mountain Rescue Charges
Q. I friend told me that if you have to be rescued by the Mountain Rescue and found not to be adequately prepared for Walking the hills (waterproof jacket, boots, map etc) then they can charge you for the cost of the rescue - and this might be thousands of pounds (particularly if they call out the helicopter).
Is this true?
Frank Gardner
A. I think this is unlikely - somebody would need to be definitive about what kit/behaviour was needed for a particular day/situation.
What about a lightly clad fell-runner having a tumble, for instance?
I believe that Mountain Rescue Teams (MRTs) are much less judgemental than the media about this sort of thing. People will always get into bother through naivety - in other, less lucky circumstances its called "building up experience."
I've no doubt that an MRT will make it plain if they think you've been stupid, but I suggest that they'd resist any suggestions about charging.
Mike Knipe, Crook
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