'Mistified' Spectacles
Q. Now I have to wear spectacles when out walking, they often get steamed up and I have to keep demisting them. Has anyone got any ideas to help me on this problem you lovely people? Happy Days!
Tony Savage, Tattershall Thorpe, Lincolnshire
A. One tip I got from a running magazine some years ago was to have a small piece of soap [the remnants of an old tablet of soap, that is] and to apply a light smear to the top edge of the lenses with the edge of the soap.
This will break down the surface tension of any moisture that collects on the lenses.
I have tried it and it has worked when running when my glasses have steamed up, depending on the conditions. It has worked in rain too, but it will wash off in time so needs re-applying now and then.
And no, I have never got the soap in my eyes!
Richard Knibb, Great Yarmouth
A. Whatever you do, don't smear them with onion juice, or clean screen type stuff - this will only lead to you having to use a white stick and a labrador.
When my specs steam up, I take them off (!)
Laser surgery would work too I suppose.
Mike Knipe, Crook
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