How can I stop my glasses from steaming up?
Q. Is there a way to stop me losing visibility because my glasses steam up and are covered with raindrops when walking in light rain?
Steve Brothwell, Stoke-on-trent
A. It's simples. Exactly the same way as you keep a mirror mist-free in a steamy bathroom when trying to shave. Spray a touch of shaving foam or gel onto your finger tip. Rub it all over the mirror or glasses and give it a buff up with a dry lint-free cloth
A. You can get special wipes that stop this happening. I use Ultra Clarity Fog Eliminator and they work great.
John Styles, Liverpool
A. Wiping your car windscreen with newspaper is supposed to help as there is something in the ink which helps prevent condensation. You could try that - and then let us know whether or not it works!!
Alison Cannon, Bristol
A. Take 'em off....... The world will become a grey/green blur.
I find it quite soothing.
Mike Knipe, Crook
A. Why not try contact lenses? They don't mist up in wet weather & they don't slide off your nose if you sweat in hot weather. Plus you have unrestricted all round vision & can wear sunglasses if required.
Mark Cox, Atherstone
A. Steve...have you tried wearing a baseball hat with large peak? Whilst you run the risk of looking slightly chavvy, it does stop the rain going on your specs!!
No suggestions for the steaming up problems i'm afraid just have to keep giving them a quick wipe!
Bev Smith, Yorks
A. I have the same problem and found a peaked cap or tilley hat help but am going to invest in sports contact lenses as eyes have there own built in wipers.
James Parr, Manchester
A. I wear a baseball cap to keep the rain off my glasses and hence stop them steaming up. Also keeps my head dry.
Peter Gregory,
A. Betterware and Lakeland do a spray that you can use on mirrors to stop them misting up in a warm bathroom works the same on glasses.
Ash Arnett, York
A. Some Fairy Liquid wiped off with kitchen towel, works wonders on motorbike helmet !
Helen Johnson, Milton Keynes
A. Hi . . . you could try wearing a hat that has a peak on it . . . i wear one when I go cycling!! it works for me . . . an this may sound odd but if you wipe your glasses with shaving foam 1st . . . that's right foam . . . that should stop them steaming . . . it works on the bathroom mirror!!!
Good Luck.
Tracy Mangan, Newton-le-Willows
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