GPS Waypoints for the Pennine Way (3)

Q. I have joined go4awalk and downloaded the GPS data for the Pennine Way in preparation for the walk in June.

I need to convert routes to tracks to load onto my Garmin Etrex legend, but the tools/convert routes to track logs does not appear on my tools menu.

I will not have access to a computer during the walk to upload sections of routes, so need to upload 3 tracks at the start.

Can you help, please?


Nick Hooper, York

A. Not really sure what you mean - but you do not need to convert routes to tracks to upload them into your Garmin Etrex.

All you need to do is upload the GPS Waypoints for The Pennine Way that you downloaded into your Garmin Etrex using the GPS Utility we recommend.

NB. The free version of GPS utility only permits you to upload 100 GPS Waypoints at a time. To upload all the waypoints for the Pennine Way- divide the list into three text files - one containing the first 100 waypoints, one containing the next 100 and one containing the remaining 19 waypoints (make sure you include the 1st three lines in ALL THREE text files) and upload each file one at a time.

Then you simply follow the waypoints in order starting with PW-000 Edale, then PW-001 Upper Booth, then PW-002 2nd cairn above Jacob's Ladder . . . . all the way to . . . . PW-216 England Scotland Border (final visit), PW-217 Burnhead and finally PW-218 Kirk Yetholm about 3 weeks later.

If you really must convert your waypoints into a 'route' this can be done from within your Garmin Etrex - see GPS Waypoint Routes

Hope this helps

Mike (Editor)

A. I am also hoping to do the Pennine way this coming June using my Garmin GPS60 and the Pennine waypoints which I successfully downloaded from my computer.I have the whole route starting at PW000 (Edale). I will only resort to the GPS waypoints if weather really bad or if I get totally lost.

Gordon Rhodes, Taunton

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