GPS Waypoints for a Garmin 400t and the Coast to Coast Walk
Q. Greetings from Southern Florida:
I am interested in downloading the Wainwright Coast-to-Coast waypoints. I recently bought a Garmin Colorado 400t GPS unit.
I am confused about a couple of things:
The GPS unit does not have any detailed maps downloaded onto it at the moment. What map(s) must I have installed on it in order to properly download the Wainwright waypoints?
If I decide to join, can I give you an American credit card? Will it convert pounds to US dollars without a fuss and without my being charged another trillion dollars by the credit card company? Would I be better off sending you a personal check, and how much would that be in US?
We will be in England for the walk in June 2008.
I appreciate your help.
Frank & Fay Panico
A. You don't need any maps installed on your Garmin Colorado to download and install our GPS Waypoints for the Coast to Coast walk.
You will, however need to purchase the nine Ordnance Survey Maps Explorer Walking Maps that detail the walk all the way from St Bees Head in Cumbria to Robin Hood's Bay in North Yorkshire. Follow this link Downloadable GPS Waypoints for the Coast to Coast Walk for a list of these maps.
Please note though, while these maps do show the rights of way and footpaths that the Coast to Coast walk follows they also show all the other rights of way and footpaths in the area. And because the Coast to Coast walk remains an 'unofficial' walk it is not specifically marked or distinguished on any maps.
Furthermore, it is only sign-posted sporadically on the ground.
You will therefore also need a good quality route description guide book for the whole trip. If you pick one that includes reproductions of Ordnance Survey maps you might save a few dollars and, more importantly, some of the weight you have to carry.
If you decide to open an account and Download GPS Waypoints for the Coast to Coast Walk you can use an American Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard etc) and Worldpay (our Credit Card handler) will convert the price into US dollars for you at no extra fee.
Hope this helps
Mike (Editor)
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