Footpaths on my Land
Q. I was wondering if you could help me with a question my family and I have. It concerns the various public footpaths throughout the country of England.
We would like to be able to find out about any footpaths near to our home and if any cross our property. This is just one of those things we'd like to find out about.
Can you or your team help or point us in some sort of direction.
Many Thanks
James Sienesi
A. Have you tried going to your Local Authority or County Council? They have copies of the 'definitive maps'. These maps, if they have been kept up to date, will detail all paths and rights of way in and around your property and you have the right to view them on request.
Another route you could try is contacting your local group of The Ramblers Association, they will usually have copies of the same maps but they can also be a valuable source of local knowledge.
Phil Goodman, Glapwell
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