6 Digit Ordanace Survey References on GPS
Q. Hi, I'm hoping to enter waypoints into my garmin etrex for a 25k walk in the Snowdon massif. Problem is I only have 6 digit OS references from Trail mag for the route.GPS wants 10. Question is can I enter for example, SH633662 as SH63300 BNG66200 and retain the 100m relevant accuracy?
John Stone, Northants
A. Well . . . you could but some (or even all) of the GPS Waypoints you enter could be as much as 100m out in any direction - and only then if the initial Grid Reference you obtain are accurate and you do not make a single mistake when entering the 100's of digits into your GPS by hand. This rather defeats the object of having a navigation system like GPS.
Far better to download GPS Waypoints from us which are derived from on-the-hill readings (so you know they are spot on) and available in both .gpx and .txt formats for all the major walks and mountains in England and Wales - and the Snowdon Massif.
Furthermore, our GPS Waypoint data is printed on each walk route pdf - so you can enter waypoints from different walks on-the-go if you are making up your own route - and download each pdf to your mobile phone so you always have them with you as back-up.
To find walks with GPS Waypoints in Snowdonia see Walks, routes & maps in The Snowdonia National Park.
Wrong information or misleading information is much worse than no information . . .
Mike (Editor)
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