One pair of walking socks or two?
Q. There is conflicting information and views about socks: the existence of specialist socks tends to suggest that one pair of those is enough but some writers say we should wear two pairs of socks. Who is correct, please?
David Bright, Oxford
A. Depends on the sock. I have no idea what they are called but I wear a double lined sock that I bought from a workwear shop in Carlilse called arco. They have a thick outer and a stitched in thin inner. There are no seams that rub and that is the key. Plus if your inner sock rides down then that will cause more issues than solve.
Gary Bowser, Carlisle
A. Hi, when I expect to walk for more than 6-8hrs I always wear two pairs, liners under and a normal pair of hiking socks on top. I used to have blister problems before but I don't any more and if you choose good socks and have good boots that's enough for every condition. Even in hot/humid conditions I never had issues with the double.
Max Pody, London
A. Think it really does depend on the quality of your socks and/or boots these days. I generally only wear one pair of socks (sealskinz) these days no matter what boots I have on.
Paul , Warrington
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