Being Intimate in a Motorhome
Q. It might sound daft to most but..........
if you were to be intimate in a car and get spotted, this would be an offence, but how would you stand (no pun intended) in a camper/motor home (behind closed curtains)
Peter Smith, Deal
A. So far, I have not been able to test neither sleeping nor making love in a vehicle, because my car is considered too small by most ladies I met so far. The bed size is 185cm long by 125cm large, but I cannot sit straight up in bed. For my own car (Dacia Logan MCV), I would say it could sleep two persons who can sleep like two spoons. You would really have to love each other though, because the space is tight.
If you have a full sized camper van and you can close the curtains, what's holding you back? I am sure your bed offers more space, so more positions would be possible. I would recommend to wash up before you start the game though, so you can give your lady oral without getting bad tastes. Maybe good insulation could be of use, so the people outside won't notice any screams of joy. Have fun and be safe! ;-)
A. good luck to ya,
Paul Hind, Sheffield
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