Suggestions for Walks in May
Q. Hi,
We will be in the UK in May this year. getting off a narrow boat in Oxford. We will at this stage be relying on train or bus transport to travel from Oxford.
We are looking for a place to base ourselves for a week or so and do some walking. We have been told the Devon coast is good. In 2006 we did a similar thing in the Lakes based in Keswick.
So any suggestions would be good, but not too many hills as Robyn likes the flat stuff.
Rob Parker, Albury, Australia
A. For Walks in Oxfordshire click on the 'Walks' Hill above, then 'Walks in UK Counties' and then Walks in Oxfordshire.
For Walks in Devon click on the 'Walks' Hill above, then 'Walks in UK Counties' and then Walks in Devon.
Hope this helps
Mike (Editor)
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