GPS and OS Technology
Q. I'm looking at buying a GPS system for walking. I don't know much about them but want one that will give me OS refs. Looked at the Garmin Ventura but no mention of OS refs. Have read your Q & A from Debbie, and the answer states that all GPS systems give them. How come the spec for the actual products don't mention this?? Or is it something that comes with all these products and that is why its not mentioned?? Please explain. Many thanks. Darren
Darren Wadsworth, Rotherham
A. I have just purchased a Garmin ETrex H, (which appears to be about as cheap as you can go with the Garmin GPS's) to use mainly for tracks and to back track. i.e. record a track and then allow a reverse to get me back to an object (the car in the car park etc). However, I have now discovered that this unit can be set to show both Lat/ Long [Lat/Lon] and the Ordinance [Ordnance] Survey map reference. I can therefore set a waypoint as home and then off the local OS map enter in the grid references I wish to visit and hey presto it shows me the route to follow.
I have to say the documentation that came with the unit was very vague so I had to do a bit of playing around to find this out. You cannot download maps onto this unit but providing you use it with a recent OS map you are in business.
Hope this helps.
Steve Ennion, Grantham
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