Can I put a gate on a footpath through my garden?
Q. I have been rambling for a while but don't have an answer for this one! We have recently moved into a home with a footpath through the garden, leading to a farm next to our garden. We have a fence along the garden and there is a gate with a latch (no lock) on the footpath and we thought this was all very good as we have young children and we live on a very busy A road (the footpath is entered from the shoulder of the A road).
We have recently had an officer from the council tell us that someone complained about the gate and that we shouldn't have a gate here at all. As a rambler myself I would not object to a gate on a private garden where small children play, I can't see what the issue is. Can anyone enlighten me please??
Louise Caldwell, Ely
A. You can have gates on public footpaths. The countryside is full of footpaths with gates, and even stiles (!). As long as its reasonably easy to open and to pass through and you're not hindering people using the path.
Mike Knipe, Crook
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