Climbing Ben Nevis in April (Easter)
Q. Hi, I am just wondering what the conditions would normally be like to climb Ben Nevis in April? Four friends and myself were thinking of climbing at Easter this year. We have all climbed Snowdon on a few occasions and are all physically fit, however we are aware that Ben Nevis in April is different to Snowdon in April which we climbed last Easter.
What equipment would you recommend for that time of year? As we've have only been mountain walkers and not mountain climbers, is climbing April still too 'wintery' to climb?
Any help and advice would extremely helpful to help us plan ahead.
Many thanks,
Chris Parry, Birmingham
A. Hey I was planning to climb it [Ben Nevis] around 13-14 April 2012. I am an amateur, but very interested, gimme a call if yu r still up to it.
Anuraj Ma, Newcastle
A. Have a look at the answer to Climbing Ben Nevis in March and bear in mind that this year (2009) there has been a lot colder (so far) with a lot more snow and ice than the last five or six.
Make sure you take our route description - Walking Map h100 Ben Nevis from Achintee which includes fully detailed instructions on how to regain the path from the summit and avoid the notorious and extremely dangerous Five Finger Gully when the footpath is obliterated by snow. (Which it most probably will be!)
And make sure everyone in your party is dressed for winter, has their own crampons, ice-axe and winter skills.
Remember it is always better to have and not need, than to need and not have.
I was up there last summer on a very hot August day and there was still snow in a few gullies even then!
Hope this helps with your planning . . .
Mike (Editor)
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