Who uses go4awalk.com - Advertising & Sponsorship
The majority of our users (70%) are based in the UK. However, we also receive significant levels of traffic from other areas of Europe, the US, Australia and Canada.
A recent survey (June 2010) has revealed the following about our audience:
Many are out walking 3-4 times a month and are usually walking in groups of more than two.
Over 60% have been educated to degree level or above.
Age Profile They are in the prime of life.
Gender Profile
Other Activites as well as walking Many of them also enjoy other activities - cycling and running are particularly popular: |
- 38% also enjoy cycling
Purchases in last 6 months They are actively spending their money on outdoor products and services: |
- 90% have purchased
- 70% have purchased
- 90% have purchased
- 40% have purchased
- 40% have purchased
- 45% have purchased
- only 1% said they had not |
How do I get started?
Please contact us for a copy of our Media Pack* or to discuss a specific campaign
*Includes current traffic and audience data, full range of advertising and sponsorship options and rate card.