The 30 nearest, easy-to-follow, circular walks, routes & maps to UK Postcode EH46
The thirty nearest, easy-to-follow, circular walks, routes & maps to UK Postcode EH46 in Walk Grade Order
Tap/mouse over a coloured circle (1-3 easy walks, 4-6 moderate walks, 7-9 hard walks) and click to select.
Scroll down the list of walks below & click on each walk title (in blue) to locate it on the map above.
Route Summary:
Culter Allers Farm - Culter Fell - Moss Law - Holm Nick - Gathersnow Hill - Hillshaw Head - Coomb Dod - Dod Hill - Hudderstone - Lea Gill - Culter Water - Culter Allers Farm
Route Summary:
Culter Allers Farm - Culter Fell - Moss Law - Holm Nick - Culter Water - Coulter Reservoir - Culter Waterhead - Culter Allers Farm
Route Summary:
Capplegill - Blackhope Burn - Saddle Yoke - Under Saddle Yoke - Whirly Gill - Saddle Craigs - Harfell Rig - Hart Fell (Moffat) - Hartfell Craig - Falcon Craig - Upper Comb Craig - Swatte Fell - Nether Comb Craig - Black Craig - Hang Burn - Hang Gill - Capplegill
Route Summary:
Ettrick Water,Longhope Burn - Bught Hill - Bodesbeck Law - Nowtrig Head - Mid Rig (Bell Craig) - Salmongill Craig - Bald Craig - Bell Craig - Mirk Side - Andrewhinney Hill - Brockhope Head - Trowgrain Middle - Herman Law - Fala Grain - Back Beck - Brockhoperig - Ettrick Water
Route Summary:
Parking Area A708 NE of Moffat - Moffat Water - Moffat Dale - The Southern Upland Way - Cornal Burn - Craigbeck Hope - Eskdalemuir - Wamphrey Burn - Sheepfold - Slecoth Burn - Croft Head - Corfthead Burn - Craiglochan Gardens - Parking Area.
Route Summary:
Parking Area A708 NE of Moffat - Moffat Water - Moffat Dale - The Southern Upland Way - Cornal Burn - Craigbeck Hope - Coomb Cairn - Scaw'd Fell - Eskdalemuir - Wamphrey Burn - Sheepfold - Slecoth Burn - Loch Fell - Croft Head - Corfthead Burn - Craiglochan Gardens - Parking Area.
Route Summary:
Parking Area A708 NE of Moffat - Moffat Water - Moffat Dale - The Southern Upland Way - Cornal Burn - Craigbeck Hope - Coomb Cairn - Scaw'd Fell - Eskdalemuir - Wamphrey Burn - Sheepfold - Slecoth Burn - Croft Head - Corfthead Burn - Craiglochan Gardens - Parking Area.
Route Summary:
Buccleuch Estates (Teviothead - Teviotdale) - Fouledge Syke - Alderybar Cottage - Harwood Rigg - Grey Pen - Skelfhill Pen - Greatmoor Hill - Knowes Head - Coltercleugh Shiel Cottage - Goat Hill - Buccleuch Estates (Teviothead).
Route Summary:
Durisdeer - The Well Path - Well Hill - Penbane - Black Hill - Roman Fortlet - Roman Road - Durisdeer
Route Summary:
Linhope Farm - Linhope Burn - Dod Hill (Teviothead) - Bye Hill - Carlin Tooth (Teviothead) - Sunhope Hass - Linhope Burn - Elygrain Farm - Linhope Farm
Route Summary:
Linhope Farm - Lightning Hill - Wether Law (Teviothead) - Crummiecleuch Rig - Millstone Edge (Tudhope Hill) - Tudhope Hill - Little Tudhope Hill - Sunhope Hass - Carlin Tooth (Teviothead) - Bye Hill - Dod Hill (Teviothead) - Linhope Burn - Linhope Farm
Route Summary:
Linhope Farm - Lightning Hill - Wether Law (Teviothead) - Crummiecleuch Rig - Millstone Edge (Tudhope Hill) - Tudhope Hill - Little Tudhope Hill - Sunhope Hass - Elygrain Farm - Linhope Burn - Linhope Farm
Route Summary:
Mosspaul Hotel - Wisp Hill (Teviothead) - Ewenshope Fell - Ewes Doors - Ewelees Farm - Fiddleton Cottage - Bught Knowe - Glenrief Rig - Mosspaul Burn - Mosspaul Hotel
Route Summary:
Mosspaul Hotel - Mosspaul Burn - Glenrief Rig - Ellson Fell - Castlewink - Glenrief Cottage - Bught Knowe - Glenrief Rig - Mosspaul Burn - Mosspaul Hotel
Route Summary:
Mosspaul Hotel - Wisp Hill (Teviothead) - Ewenshope Fell - Ewes Doors - Pikethaw Hill - Frodaw Height - Dan's Hags - Upper Hill (Fiddleton Cottage) - Fiddleton Cottage - Glenrief Cottage - Castlewink - Ellson Fell - Glenrief Rig - Mosspaul Burn - Mosspaul Hotel
Route Summary:
Mosspaul Hotel - Wisp Hill (Teviothead) - Ewenshope Fell - Ewes Doors - Pikethaw Hill - Frodaw Height - Dan's Hags - Upper Hill (Fiddleton Cottage) - Fiddleton Cottage - Bught Knowe - Glenrief Rig - Mosspaul Burn - Mosspaul Hotel
Route Summary:
Kirk Logie - Bridge of Allan - Yellow Craig Wood - Dumyat - Glen Menstrie - Lossburn Reservoir - Kirk Logie - Bridge of Allan.
Route Summary:
Morebattle - The St Cuthbert's Way - Kale Water - Grubbit Law - Cushat End - Hownam Law - South Cote - Howgate - Heavyside - Gateshaw - Morebattle
Route Summary:
Tarras Lodge - Tarras Water - Coomsfell End - Arkleton Cottage - Greenlea Knowe - Cooms Farm - Lodgegill Farm - Byrecleuch Burn - Hawknest Rig - Ludsgill Sware - Watch Knowe - Scawd Bank - The Pikes - Hartsgarth Fell - Roan Fell - Millstone Edge (Roan Fell) - Watch Hill - Strait Hill - Cooms Fell - Black Edge - Watch Crags - Loch Knowe - Burrowstown Moss - Perter Rig - Tarras Lodge
Route Summary:
Tarras Lodge - Tarras Water - Arkleton Cottage - Greenlea Knowe - Cooms Farm - White Brae - White Cove - Black Cove - Arkleton Hill - Linns Knowe - Pike Fell - Ludsgill Sware - Watch Knowe - Scawd Bank - The Pikes - Hartsgarth Fell - Roan Fell - Millstone Edge (Roan Fell) - Watch Hill - Strait Hill - Cooms Fell - Black Edge - Watch Crags - Loch Knowe - Burrowstown Moss - Perter Rig - Tarras Lodge
Route Summary:
Tarras Lodge - Tarras Water - Coomsfell End - Arkleton Cottage - Greenlea Knowe - Cooms Farm - White Brae - White Cove - Black Cove - Arkleton Hill - Linns Knowe - Pike Fell - Ludsgill Sware - Hawknest Rig - Byrecleuch Burn - Lodgegill Farm - Cooms Farm - Greenlea Knowe - Arkleton Cottage - Coomsfell End - Tarras Lodge
Route Summary:
Langholm - Ewes Water - River Esk - Whita Hill - Sir John Malcolm Monument Obelsik - Charlie's Moss - Hugh MacDiarmid Memorial - Hillhead - Ewes Water - Langholm
Route Summary:
Towford Farm - Kale Water - Buchtrig Farm - Humblemoor Hill - Little Humblemoor - The Hows - Tronshaw Hill - Upper Chatto - Chatto - Towford Farm
Route Summary:
Newcastleton or Copshaw Holm - Bedda Cleuch - Blackburn Farm - Kiln Knowe - Black Burn - Hog Gill - Rigging Sike - Millstone Edge (Roan Fell) - Roan Fell - Watch Hill - Strait Hill - Cooms Fell - Black Edge - Watch Crags - Loch Knowe - Tinnis Bridge - Hazelyside Hill - Bedda Hill - Newcastleton
Route Summary:
Newcastleton - Liddesdale - Liddel Water - Tweeden Burn - Mangerton Tower - Sorbietrees Farm - Carby Hill (Caerba Hill) - Newcastleton or Copshaw Holme.
Route Summary:
Tow Ford - Dere Street - Woden Law - Langside Law - Buchtrig Farm - Kale Water - Tow Farm.
Route Summary:
Tow Ford - Dere Street - Woden Law - Langside Law - Buchtrig Farm - Humblemoor Hill - Little Humblemoor - The Hows - Tronshaw Hill - Upper Chatto - Chatto - Towford Farm - Kale Water - Tow Farm.
Route Summary:
Craigengillan - Craigengillan Bridge - Galloway Forest Park - Polifferie Burn - Poldores Burn - Tup Knowe - Soms Knowe - Scar Knowe - Moorbrock Farm - Poltie Burn - Green Hill (Moorbrock) - Moorbrock Hill - Moorbrock Hill (North Top) - Luke's Stone - Keoch Rig - Deil's Putting Stone - Chapman's Cleugh - Windy Standard - Trostan Hill - Dugland - Clennoch Bothy - Green Hill (Moorbrock) - Craigengillan
Route Summary:
Craigengillan - Craigengillan Bridge - Galloway Forest Park - Polifferie Burn - Poldores Burn - Tup Knowe - Soms Knowe - Scar Knowe - Moorbrock Farm - Poltie Burn - Green Hill (Moorbrock) - Poldores Burn - Beninne Gairy - Beninner - Nick of The Lochans - Cairnsmore of Carsphairn - Green Hill (Moorbrock) - Craigengillan