244m (801ft)
The Southern Marches, The Lake District, Cumbria, England
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Fellow go4awalkers who have already walked, climbed, summited & bagged Latterbarrow
Trevor Williams walked up Latterbarrow on December 3rd, 2021 [from/via/route] Far Sawrey [with] paul [weather] overcast. - Return from Latterbarrow to Sawrey was very difficult due to numerous fallen trees.
David Lord climbed Latterbarrow on October 25th, 2019 [from/via/route] From a car park in Hawkshead. [with] Debbie Lord [weather] Cloudy / sunny day. - A very nice walk & views along with the big hilltop cairn for which the hill is famous.
Neil Bennett bagged Latterbarrow on July 23rd, 2021 [from/via/route] Climbed Latterbarrow from Hawkshead. Our starting point was the main car park in the centre of the village. We followed a clockwise route which entailed a steep ascent followed by a longer more gentle descent winding through the forest. Pam & I had done this walk without the boys on 14th July. Both walks were rewarded with an ice cream at the Little Ice Cream Shop in the village. [with] Pam Bennett, Oliver Bennett, Thomas Bennett. [weather] Hot & Sunny.
Charlie Housley hiked Latterbarrow on July 15th, 2020 [from/via/route] From Far Sawry via Claif Heights as per the route outlined in AW's Outlying Fells guide book. [with] With Candy. [weather] Warm & a bit overcast, but quite humid.
Chris Sheard summited Latterbarrow on March 7th, 2000 [from/via/route] Circular from Hawkeshead [with] Susan, Shirley & Graham [weather] Cold with variable winds - Managed a nice walk in rainy conditions - surprising & worth the effort - part of a great break away
Iain Jones conquered Latterbarrow on May 25th, 2017 [from/via/route] Near Sawrey [with] Nicola Robins
Mark Davidson scaled Latterbarrow on May 7th, 2016 [with] T [weather] Lovely & sunny - just beautiful
Lee Senior walked up Latterbarrow on September 25th, 2015 [from/via/route] From Hawkshead Hall [with] John B [weather] sunny intervals, clear
Harry Meijer climbed Latterbarrow on August 27th, 2015 [from/via/route] custom walk [with] The Lake District Walker
David Noble bagged Latterbarrow on July 21st, 2015 [from/via/route] Hawkshead [with] Kelly and Jack [weather] Dry & overcast
Andy Pearce hiked Latterbarrow on February 5th, 2015 [from/via/route] Faw Sawrey loop walk [with] Anita Pearce, James McCullagh, Stuart Keiller & Stanley [weather] Sunny & Cold
Christine Shepherd summited Latterbarrow on April 12th, 2012 [from/via/route] Walked from the Wray Road [with] On my own [weather] Very mixed! Sun, rain & hail within half an hour! - Amazing views from an easy & pleasant little fell. Great summit tower.
Peter Thwaites, Paul Booth, Louise Sandwith, David Kelley, Martin Mayoh, David Preston, Jan Dixon, Louis Smith and Jeanette Coward have all walked, climbed & bagged Latterbarrow.To add (or remove) your name and experiences on this page - Log On and edit your Personal Mountain Bagging Record
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Send us your photographs and pictures on, of, or from Latterbarrow
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